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Negotiation Strategy Journal Entry 1

Essay by   •  November 2, 2011  •  Essay  •  606 Words (3 Pages)  •  3,085 Views

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Entry #1

The first negotiation was a transaction where we cared about the outcome but not about the relationship. These transactions are suited more for competitors and problem solvers. I am a accommodator and somewhat a compromiser. The strategy I used was a distributive strategy. The negotiation was a car deal. I was the buyer and the other party was the dealer.

I learned that I was not at all prepared for a transactional negotiation. Before the negotiation, I tried to frame my arguments based on the given information and on exactly what my CEO wanted. I wanted a yellow car and my argument was that my our company's color was yellow and my reason for receiving a lower price on a yellow car was that I new that yellow was not a popular color and that I believed the dealer needed to get rid of them. After the negotiation I realized I should have asked for a black car because it is an ideal luxury color and that is what my CEO wanted. The dealer would have given me a high price and I would have worked the price down by asking for lesser appealing colors.

I learned that my car dealer was very prepared for my arrival. When I asked him for all the things my CEO "really" wanted he agreed but gave me a high price and I couldn't think of go back and change which color I wanted because he would increase the price even more.

The readings and lectures enrich my understanding of the process of this negotiation, the outcome, and my own style. I thought I had a good frame; however, I did not analyze the other party such as their core values and/or SWOT in order to better my frame. Based on my bad frame, the outcome of my negotiation favored the car dealer more than me. During the negotiation I also realized that I was accommodating the car dealer more than trying to be creative with my arguments

Entry #2

The second negotiation was a relationship negotiation where we care about the outcome and we care about the relationship afterwards. This negotiation is made for compromisers, accommodators, and problem solvers. The negotiation was to plan a trip with a friend.

I learned that this is one of my better negotiation situations. Since I am an accommodator it was easy to kill my friend with kindness. I definitely wanted to meet in the middle of the road which I think is the key to a relationship negotiation.

I learned that my friend is a competitor. She did not work well with me and wanted everything to go her way. I don't think she understood the situation that we needed to enjoy our trip together and remain friends. I told her I wouldn't remain her friend if she didn't meet me in the middle. She wouldn't budge.

I learned from the previous negotiation, lectures, and readings enriched my understanding of the process of this negotiation, the outcome, and my style. I framed my



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