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Persuasive Essay - Where Is My Bailout?

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Persuasive Essay

Where is my bailout?

A few short years ago, this country had taken a tumble with regard to the financial stability and the burst of the housing bubble. The citizens of this country were not provided the assistance that those large financial institutions did. More than 650 financial institutions received in excess of 750 Billion dollars of relief. These are companies with lawyers, accountants and thousands of employees that could have assisted these companies. I am just one man who does not have a lawyer or an accountant which could assist me in my financial situation. I am required to maintain my budget. If I do not have enough money in my account to pay my bills, my bills do not get paid. So, my simple question is "Where is my bailout?!"

The government we have elected into their positions decided that these multi-billion dollar organizations needed help to get out of debt and not to go bankrupt. These bailouts were made with taxpayer money. As a member of that group, I find it odd that someone can use my money to bail someone else out, but that same money cannot be used to bail me out.

I do not remember being asked to use my tax money to bail out these giant financial institutions and who is to say they needed the money. It could not have been those same accountants and lawyers who got them into the mess, was it. Rules that apply to the common man should be used with respect to any company for any reason. My financial situation or accountability should be just as important as those of the large companies. I have a budget. If I want something not within my budget, I do not get it. I only have enough money to pay for the items I budget for. I make a list of those things that I consider life sustaining i.e. food, drink, housing, transportation and health. These items take up about 80% of my total income. I then make a list of those items that I consider to be non-life sustaining, but somewhere close to it. After I have made these lists and have allocated the funds toward them, I develop my budget. Anything left after these items are paid for the remainder is deposited in the bank into a savings account. This is done month after month. If at anytime I do not have the money to purchase something, but I find that I need it, I can always utilize credit. Using credit comes with a large price tag. Once I have used credit, I must pay it back with interest. Anytime my system is broken and things are not working as I had budgeted for I suffer, both financially, and physically.

So I say to my government. "Where is my bailout?!" These companies have a budget and they make lists of what they consider to be company sustaining, such as payroll, utilities, logistics, insurance, and materials. These costs are known as overhead. They then make lists of things not company sustaining but close to



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