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Planning for Post-Graduate Careers

Essay by   •  December 27, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  3,303 Words (14 Pages)  •  1,544 Views

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Plato University of Management and Design

Assignment Brief

Edexcel BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit title: Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Unit code(s):


Learner: Assessor: Chris Manning IV: Simon Nadeem

Title of Assignment: "Planning for Post-Graduate Careers"

Related learning outcomes:

LO1 Understand how self-managed learning can enhance lifelong development

LO2 Be able to take responsibility for own personal and professional development

LO3 Be able to implement and continually review own personal and professional

development plan AssignmentNumber:

__2__of __2__

for this Unit

Date assigned:

December 18, 2012 Date reviwed:

December 20, 2012 Date for final submission:

December 28, 2012

Learner declaration:

I confirm that this assignment is my own work and any assistance received has been acknowledged and all sources have been stated.

Signature: Date:


Scenario: You have been presented lecture covering the book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People", and you have also attended lecture covering Career Decision Making Processes. You are a undergraduate student who will soon be a professional seeking post-graduate employment. You have been tasked with integrating the knowledge gained from your lectures, and establishing a career launching plan for post-graduate employment.

P1.1 evaluate approaches to self-managed learning

Evaluate how the "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" relate to professional success.

"7 Habits of Highly Effective People" target audience of this book are businessmen, managers and leaders. The structure of this book helps people to change their life. In order to understand the principles of these book people should read it. Firstly this book helps reader to choose which type of habits he would like to use. In the beginning of this book reader should be prepare to change his or her life and also be focused on the future changes.

First three habits or future skills which must be develop also shows to reader way to become independence.

1. Be proactive

2. To be responsible for your choices. It means that people should take responsibility of what they are doing. In order to become independence they must convinced their self in the importance of their actions.

3. Begin with the end in mind

4. On this step reader should deeply research his or her own values in life and goals. Reader should imagine his or her future characteristics that may help them in the future roles and relationships. For business person this task I think is very important. This task needs to be finish because business person should see other goals in life and in relationships than simple money. This task will help future businessperson to catch not only success business, but also happy family life or other relationships.

5. Put first think first

6. In this step person should prioritize his or her actions in one week or day. Person should create a plan of actions according to their level of importance. This graphic of actions can help reader understand whether his or her action helps her to reach life goals or other characteristics that they need.

One of my friend his name is Maksat Asanaliev, he has problem with time and tasks that must be done till the deadline. As the result at the beginning of the week he was really effective employee, but during the week he got a lot of tasks in his university and job. At the end of the week he was feeling really bad and he did not finish any of the tasks that he was responsible to do. I think first reason why he was not as effective as he was before because he did not have a good time plan for his actions.

7. Think Win- Win

In business it is very important to understand the values of partnerships and understand the win situation for both of sides. In order to be successful business person or any person should understand and see others people problems and successes. If somebody want to reach win situation he should not be selfish he or she should understand the Win -Win situation for both of sides. For example in Business sometimes need to satisfy your stakeholders and shareholders, but also you should satisfy you customers and partners.

8. Seek first to understand, then to be understood

In this people should listen carefully to each other and try two understand the problem and solve it. Person feels good if c0omebody is really listening him or she, it makes he to understand that he not under you're influenced. When you are listening to the person who is trying to influence you he or she is really thinking that they are the winner and in this case both of you could solve the problem in positive way.

9. Synergize

Synergize means top combine team members' skills in order to be more effective and faster in reaching their goals of the team. In case of business it is difficult, but you should not only combine the skills you must makes people work together does not matter they want this or not. If manager want to have effective team he or she must control their skills and direct them to correct way.

10. Sharpen the law

In order to reach goals or negotiate with partners you should be healthy. Sharpen the law means to have healthy lifestyle and not disorganized. If person want to feel good he or she should not forgot about his or her health and life, family. Also in order to maintain brain activity person should read books learn something new.



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