Poetry, Drame and Short Stories
Essay by cwindom • August 11, 2011 • Essay • 2,117 Words (9 Pages) • 1,717 Views
Poetry, Drama, Short Stories
Short Stories and Drama is a form of writing that many people use to express their feelings or vision they have and want the world to see. With poetry the writer is explaining how they feel, and with Drama instead of the reader you are watching the story in action. A lot of the writers write things that they can have relations to the readers in the present world. Or some authors prefer to use the visual aspect of their story they are writing which is the movies or plays people see in the theaters. Many authors write out their thoughts through different types of writing like, poetry, drama, and short stories. Writing poetry is used to tell a story without getting into great detail. Reading short stories is used to understand a certain story that the author wants everyone to get a good understanding of. "Stories draw us into their imaginative worlds and engage us with the power of their invention." (Cited by DiYanni, 2007 pg. 27) Reading the material that the author has put written, will make you continue reading the story so you can receive the full interpretation of what he or she is trying to give in their story. Literature is writing that is used to get readers into the stories, and make visual thoughts about what the author is telling or saying.
Reading the story about Good Country People by O'Connor there was a lot of shared values in his story. In this story you had a mom who had certain values containing her family and children. In this story the mom Mrs. Hopewell and her daughter Joy did not have the mother daughter relationship, but she had to learn that her child was no longer a little girl she was a grown women being treated like a child because of her disability. Joy had a PhD in philosophy, and her mother was a farmer looking for someone to help her walk the fields. Mrs. Hopewell had found some good people to help her at their home, but she was more into this family more than into her own family. She had heard from previous people that these people that she chose to hire were not that good, but she decided to give them a chance anyway. The two people she chose to hire were husband and wife. She liked the husband more than the wife, because she felt the wife was too out spoken. The value that they shared in this story was that they felt the same about Christianity. The young man in this story was trying to sell Mrs. Hopewell a bible, but she was not interested at all she was more worried about her dinner cooking than what the young man was trying to tell her. He told her that she should have a bible in the parlor, and she totally disagreed. She told him "My daughter is an atheist and won't let me keep the Bible in the parlor."(Cited by DiYanni pg. 192) This woman tried everything in her power to cut the young man's visit short, but it was not that easy for her to do. "Mrs. Hopewell could not understand deliberate rudeness, although she lived with it, and she felt she had always to overflow with hospitality to make up for Joy's lack of courtesy."(Cited by DiYanni pg. 193) The problem in this story was the way everyone thought about Christians, and a lot of them had disagreements on what a good country Christian should be or do for God. In the shared values in extended families today religion plays a big part. Some families do not believe in god and a lot of families are true believers. The point I am trying to make is that not all families share the same value, and believe in the same things. With everyone not believing in the same thing will cause conflict, but it will not change how you feel about that person in your family.
The interpretation of fiction is telling the reader how a writer goes by writing fiction, and short stories. In chapter one the experience of fiction concerns feelings about the characters, our sense of involvement in the story's developing action, our pleasure or confusion in its language, our joy or sorrow at its outcome. (Cited by DiYanni, 2007 pg. 28) In "The Story of an Hour" the writer is describing how the woman life starts after she found out her husband was dead. In this story the writer is explaining how the women try to move on with her life without her husband, and how hard it is for her without him. This story relates with the real life, because you have women that loses their spouses all the time, and they have to find ways to move on without their husband. This story also relates to when a women or man is left by their spouse after a long marriage how they would grieve themselves to death. In the story she had grieved herself to the point where she had a heart attack and died not to long after she found out about her husband actually being alive. In stories like this you will find to be sad, because there was love between the couple, but there was one bad story that caused a couple to lose one another. This wife had assumed that her husband had passed due to the fact that he worked on the road and there were an accident. She had automatically thought that her husband was gone without any investigation. So the lady actually did not lose her husband, he ended up losing his wife due to the fact that she could not make it without him.
In the story Shiloh wife was trying to give the women everything that she wanted or desired. During the story the husband is in a trucking accident and his leg was hurt so he is unable to work. So the wife has to be able to pick up all the slack and take care of him, but she starts to fill over whelmed with everything. In this story when her husband was hurt she was not use to him being at home all the time, so when he is there she did not feel right