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Project Management Case

Essay by   •  November 6, 2013  •  Essay  •  243 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,551 Views

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When the project network diagram has been constructed, and the project completion date is beyond the management-imposed deadline, the project manager has a range of corrective actions to bring in the end date; such as reduce scope, use different technology or process, use interim release or phased releases, slip schedule, add resources, use more capable resources, reduce quality, and/or work overtime.

In a case like this, what the project manager should do is evaluate the whole project from scratch and identify what drives the deadline not to be met. The actions that would need to be taken depend on the project itself. If you can sacrifice on the quality of the project in order to meet the deadline then you can reduce the quality and reduce scope. However, this is a decision that needs to happen with the stakeholders.

If I were the project manager, I would first discuss with the stakeholders the importance of the deadline. What drove this date? Can it be changed or it has to be that specific date. Based on the information gathered, I would personally not reduce the quality of the project. What I would do is evaluate the project diagram again and define the necessary tasks and resources needed to meet the deadline without affecting quality. I would have additional resources that are more capable based on their skill sets added to the project and work overtime with the team to make sure the deadline is met.



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