Prop 8 - Banned Same Sex Marriage in California
Essay by rbeto14 • September 7, 2011 • Essay • 625 Words (3 Pages) • 1,659 Views
Prop. 8 is a proposition that banned same sex marriage in California. Recently a federal judge has ruled that it's unconstitutional and cannot be upheld. I strongly disagree with this decision and say that Prop. 8 should not have passed so that we can allow same sex marriage.
A right that supports not passing Proposition 8 is The Civil Rights Act of 1964. This act states that there will be no racism toward anyone and it doesn't matter
how different they may be. This supports everyone, it doesn't matter whether you are of
different color skin, a different religion, or even a different sex. Another thing this act
does, is that it gives everyone equal rights and freedom without racism of any kind. The
Civil Rights Act of 1964 gave everyone equal rights and freedom without any racism
involved toward a person like skin color, religion, or even sex type.
Secondly, The Equal Pay Acts of 1970 and 1983 also makes a big difference. This act states that everyone is allowed to work at any equal pay without any racism, especially if you are the same sex. This is important because if same sex people are allowed to work equally with others and have the same rights as them, why deny them something they equally all ready have. A job is a right that everyone can have no matter how different they may be in this equal world but when you deny them that right, how are you being equal to everybody. The Equal Pay Act states that everyone works equally without any racism and without them denying them that right of a job because of their differences like being the same sex.
Third, the most reasonable act is The Human Rights Act Of 1998. The Human Rights Act ensures that every freedom or right we have is enjoyed by everyone no matter who you are or how different you may be. One of those freedoms is marriage, which recently they are denying to same sex people which doesn't make sense if you have an act like this on your side. If you are denying them their right or freedom that they have, then what are the acts or rules are you following. The Human Right Act clearly states that we are all free to enjoy the rights and freedom choices that you want no matter who you are, but yet they are still denying some of those rights to same sex people which is not letting everyone enjoy the freedom or rights they have.
Prop. 8 is a proposition that I am against and do not approve. There are many acts that clearly state that everyone is treated equally and have the same rights, but yet they keep denying same sex people those rights even though