Psych 2aa3 - Child Development Review
Essay by janemasterman • November 7, 2015 • Study Guide • 14,384 Words (58 Pages) • 1,848 Views
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Psych 2AA3 Final Exam Review
Language development
What is language?
- Definition: A system that relates sounds (or gestures) to meaning.
- Differs from ‘communication’ in 4 ways:
- Symbolic, arbitrary units of meaning
- Structured and meaningful
- Shows displacement
- Characterized by generativity
- 1.
- 2. Structured and meaningful (grammar) children start to speak with grammar without needing to learn it in a class
- 3. Shows displacement – we can communicate about things in the past or the future not just in the now
- 4. Characterized by generativity- we have a certain number of words we know, but we can put the words together in countless ways- we can put old words in new ways to convey new type of meanings- they learn individual words and put them together in sentences
[pic 1]
- phonology- types of sounds that exist in language- tiny unit of sound (sounds of the letter not necessarily the letter itself)
- Morphology-small unit- but this time its about meaning, dog- single syllable that has meaning, or –ing – all about conveying meaning -Dog- free morphine, and –ing is a bound morphine
- Semantics-the actual words and their meanings
- Grammar- how we start to structure our language
- Pragmatics –looking at how people use language to communicate, knowing how to speak to one type of person vs. another (4 yr old vs. your boss)
Creation of a language
- Hawaiian Pidgin to creole- a system they use to speak to each other but
- In Hawaii there was people in sugar plantations- from all around the world, all these people spoke dif. Languages
- They created this Hawaiian pidgin to help them speak to each other
- As time went on it started to be used outside the plantation- so the children who were born to this generation were taught this language and it started to be taught in schools etc.
- Now this language has a language system and it has pragmatics etc.- the pidgin language that was created became a creole after the second generation children were born into it
- Creole- stable, natural language that was developed
- Nicaraguan sign language
- Before the 1970s there weren’t people who were deaf- so they were isolated
- Many of them were non linguistics- and they couldn’t communicate with families b/c there was no sign language
- Teachers tried their best to try to teach the children as best they could but it wasn’t working
- The children at the school started communicating with each other- combining gestures they use to speak to their parents
- Younger deaf children that are coming in were starting to put more language into it
- They eventually turned it into sophisticated sign language
The infant’s linguistic world
- Discriminating between languages
- Nazzi et al., 1998
- Whether or not infants can distinguish b/w one language and a dif. Language from birth
- Studies done by researches in the 90s to answer this question
- Babies would prefer to listen to their native lang. vs. other languages
- The babies in this study were French and when they heard French they had a clear preference for it (sucked on their pacifier harder)
- They had an experimental group of babies- habituated to a lang. (English for example) and their sucking goes down b/c they get bored of the language
- Infant Directed Speech (aka Motherese)
- The way we talk to a baby differs: we have a higher pitch voice, and a larger pitch range
- We also speak to babies slower than we do with adults
- Some people call this song- like speaking
- why do we do this? In all languages and cultures they do this when they are talking to children
- Even when people who have no experience with children will talk like this with children
- How do babies respond to this? We find that babies that are a few days old prefer this kind of speech rather than adult based speech
- This could be due to the facts that children like to hear higher pitches
- It emphasizes vowels so it helps babies distinguish b/w vowels also
- When we speak to babies in this way, it’s actually helping them learn language
- Phoneme perception-Is categorical
Phoneme Perception
- Phoneme perception undergoes perceptual narrowing
- Perceptual narrowing- when baby is under 6 mos. They discriminate b/w items that are from their native language and their other new language
- Babies are interested in new information- when they hear something they haven’t heard before they seem interested (we can measure this by their sucking etc.)
- The baby can tell the dif. b/w the sounds da and ba- the baby reacted when the sound ba came up and didn’t react to the sounds da
- 12 mos. Old babies have already become specialists in their native language
Infants’ brains “rehearse” speech mechanics
- MEG study with 7- and 11-month-olds (Kuhl et al., 2014)
- Activation in auditory and motor areas measured while listening to native and non-native speech sounds
- MEG- looking into brain to see where the brain activity is occurring
- Kuhl was presenting them with native speech sounds, and then presented them with foreign Spanish sounds and measure it with MEG
- Starting to repeat sounds at these ages, but they aren’t speaking their first words until 1st birthday
- If she presented native and non native speech sounds to 7 mos. Olds they would find activity in the motor areas (brokreas areas) in the brain and in the cerebellum
- She interpreted this by saying that babies brains are interpreting how the baby would say the sounds themselves
- For the 11 mos. Old babies when they are listening to native sounds- there is more activity in the auditory cortex but less motor activity
- When they listen to the non native speech sounds- they see more motor activity and less auditory cortex
[pic 2]
- Presenting a video of a person speaking
- They get the auditory and the visual part of the speech
- Tracked the babies eye gaze while they watched the talking faces on the video
- They recorded a woman speaking both in English and Spanish- and where on the face of the woman the babies looked
- Does that change as they get older? Do they look in dif. Places and does it change when she is speaking the non- native language
- Graph (native speaker English)- Are they looking more at the eyes or at the mouth?
- If the bars are below the line they are watching the mouth more- and if they are above the line they are looking at the eyes more
- The 4 mos. olds are looking more at the eyes
- Graph (non native speaker Spanish)
- they start with an interest in the eyes
- 8 – 10 mos. Start having a preference for mouth
- At 6 mos. Even though it looks like its more eyes- the red is not that much above the line so it isn’t a significant change
- At 12 mos. They are looking more at the mouth- b/c they haven’t been able to themselves form those sounds b/c Spanish is new to them
- When adults watch other people speaking their non native language (foreign) they spend more time looking at the mouth
[pic 3]
- Cooing- making vowel sounds
- Simple babbling- their taking one speech sound and repeating it
- Complex babbling- combining different speech sounds, babies exposed to sign language will start to babble in sign language by moving their hands repeatedly in sign language motions
- Babbling with intonation-two babies having a discussion by using babbling, they’ve learned about turn taking
Word Comprehension vs. Production
- Word comprehension develops before production
- Children understand 50 words before producing 10
- 5-month gap between producing 50 words and understanding 50 words
- Babies are going to understand more words that are spoken to them then they are going to speak
Early Speech
- Holophrases
- By about 1-year
- E.g. “Ball!”
- Telegraphic Speech
- By about 1.5-years
- E.g. “Give ball!”
- Transition to sentences
- By about 2-years
- E.g. “Can you give me the ball please?”
- Holophrases- single words that convey meaning (they want you to get the ball or give them the ball, it’s the context and gestures that help you understand what they actually want b/c they are only saying that one word)
- Telegraphic speech- now they are combining a couple of words together to get the meaning across-starting to learn new words really fast- maybe 10 words a week- and then even 10 words a day
- Transition to sentences- girls reach this level before boys
How do children learn words and grammar?
- Learning words:
- Fast mapping: learning that helps children narrow down the potential meanings of a new word using context and linguistic information
- Exclusion word learning by dogs!
- Learning grammar:
- Rule learning
- Over-regularization
- Fast mapping: the way children narrow down the meaning of the word
- For ex. in terms of context if parent is pointing at object and looking at object then it’s the label of the object- the children assume it’s the whole object not parts of the object (ex. how do the babies know the mom Is trying to tell them it’s a flower and not the Patel)
- Exclusion word learning- process of elimination, you figure out that it’s a new word plus new object b/c you have never seen/heard of that object before
- Learning grammar:
- Rule learning- adding s for plural, and -ing to make it past tense
- Over regularization- children apply these rules even if it’s not the proper thing to do (he goed to the store, she runned over there)
- Learning grammar is innate
- Textbook- look at theories that psychologists went through on how children learn grammar
Into adolescence
- Understanding metaphor, sarcasm, and irony
- When the statement is really obvious they might not take it to literally- ex. if they the mom tells the boy he’s a fish he might not take in in literal terms
- Children also get better at detecting sarcasm, unless it’s very clearly made to seem like sarcasm then they won’t pick it up
- Understanding non literal meaning is developing more into adolescence
Encouraging Word Learning with TV Programs
- Some programs encourage word learning (e.g. Sesame Street, Dora the Explorer)
- Most have no benefit
- Infant-oriented videos (e.g. Baby Einstein) have no effect on infant word learning
- There are many TV programs that encourage educational learning
- There has been research done that shows Sesame street is helpful with word learning
- Children watching sesame street might do better in high school because they actually like the show
- Most of these programs don’t necessarily have benefits for word learning
Encouraging Word Learning through Reading
- Reading to your child improves vocab
- The WAY you read matters
- Carefully describing pictures
- Asking children questions
- Language exposure in the first year of life shapes phoneme perception
- Infants form their first words ~12mo
- They move from holophrases to telegraphic speech to sentences by 2-years-old
- Vocabulary and grammar continue to improve throughout childhood
- Non-literal meanings understood in adolescence
Emotional development
- Temperament and attachment –influences on socio-emotional development
- Inborn predisposition to behave in certain ways
- First major classification system (Thomas & Chess, 1977)
- Easy baby
- Difficult baby
- Slow-to-warm-up baby
- Effects of environment
- Correlation with adult personality
- 40% of babies fall into easy baby category
- 10% are difficult
- 15% are slow to warm up
- 35% don’t fit into one of these categories- unclassified
- This does predict adult personality
- Effects of environment:
- If you are predisposed to be a difficult baby- then its more likely that your parent is an angry parent
- If a parent has a difficult baby, it’s not set in stone that they will be like that all their life
- If a parent is understanding that external stimuli is affected on the baby- if the parent is responsive the baby will be less difficult
- Easy babies can also be ruined by terrible parenting- they will not develop optimally if the parent doesn’t parent right
Stability of temperament
- Surgency/Extraversion
- Negative affect
- Effortful control
- Marshmallow Test
- 3 dimensions a baby can full under
- Surgency/extraversion- happy baby, friendly, social, like new things, enjoy exploring environ. , good mood
- If their low in surgency/ extraversion- their in bad mood , less social
- Negative effect- if a baby is high on negative effect then their more likely to get upset, and it’s difficult to sooth them
- A baby who is high on negative effect- may not get upset easily, and is easily soothed
- Effortful control – the extent to which a child can focus their attention, and not easily distracted- is their high on this then
- The ability to resist temptation- is predictive of long term outcome, they have better outcomes
The big five
- Extraversion
- Neuroticism, Openness (low), Extraversion (low)
- Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Openness
- Mature Marshmallow Test (joke)
- This scale was made up for adults
- Extraversion- being social, talkative, active etc. babies who are high in extraversion as a baby become extravert adults
- Neuroticism- high in negative affect become high in neuroticism and low in openness, willing to seek out new things, more likely to be upset as babies
- Consciousness- tendency to be organized, dependable, prefer planned rather than spontaneous behavior
- Agreeableness-tendency to be compassionate/cooperative, being able to get along with other people
- Openness
- Strong bond b/w child and caregiver, this bond is important b/c it allows baby to become close to someone who is going to take care of them and protect them
- From the very beginning the baby is designed to form a bond with someone
Theoretical background
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