Psychology Case
Essay by dbedford • July 14, 2013 • Essay • 380 Words (2 Pages) • 1,553 Views
In our culture today; images play a significant role in the environment we live in. Our everyday experiences from something as simple as performing a squat and how we should look using (Imagery) good technique lifting the weight has influenced us to perform at a high level. (Forrester, Michael A. 2000). Before leaving our homes in the morning we find ourselves checking ourselves over to see whether we look good (i.e. Shave, shirt and pants match "self-image"). We decorate our houses and fitness centers with pictures, photographs and other images both for the pleasure they bring us and for what they "represent" about our lifestyle. When we hear about a new technology component that captures our attention, we have to be the first to "show it off". An image of throwing a winning touchdown pass or purchasing the newest clothing line might influence the way people perceive us. Hardly a day goes by without sport professionals, psychologists and sport commentators warning us of the dangers of image "psyching your self out" while all the time making sure their own images are presented in line with the appropriate conventions (Forrester, Michael A. 2000).
Our thoughts (images) can trigger neural and muscle pattern activity in corresponding parts of the body. As a part of the body is thought about in action, neural activity increases in that location. Perhaps, in some way, neural pathways appropriate for that skilled movement are strengthened." By this rationale, I have an example on how we could visualize (image) tasks to improve performance by imagery, such as healing an illness or losing weight (Shackell, E. M., & Standing, L. G. 2007).
I strongly agree that (images) are triggered in the body to give the person natural patterns on completing an activity. I'm currently a personal trainer part time and use mirrors, visual aids or metal imagery to help assist my clients with attaining their goals.
For example:
-Diet (imagery pre and post body weight) losing weight.
-Proper form and technique while performing exercises. (This will increase neurological pathways to increased skilled movement).
-Short and long term cardiovascular goals (preventing potential illness/health risks).
I believe that all of these examples have one thing in common; they are all visualized in areas of personal improvement to improve their quality of life and achieving our success.