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Public Speaking Informative Strategies

Essay by   •  May 22, 2012  •  Essay  •  336 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,698 Views

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While planning an informative speech on doctor-assisted suicides, the strategies used will determine how your message is received and whether or not it was effective. How your speech is organized will help to make your speech connect with the audience effectively. After reviewing several organizational patterns and outlines, for this topic and form of presentation; I would use the Preparation Outline format to best deliver this speech. This would prove to be the best choice because it allows you to break down your purpose, introduction, self-disclosure, body, and conclusion.

The introduction of this speech would begin with recent headlines of cases of doctor-assisted suicides and even include a few high profile cases. This is to grab the audience attention and to instantly connect with them by sharing information both parties are familiar with. The second part of the introduction would include statements suggesting that each of us have or know of friends or relatives with health issues and just think about what that would mean for them. The introduction should inform the audience of the topic to be discussed, gain their attention with relevant information and smoothly flow into the body of the speech.

The meat of the presentation is the body. The body is where facts and history of doctor-assisted suicides, where they are most prevalent and even the definition. I would define this practice as a medical decision to withhold life-saving treatment, medication, or procedures thereby ending the patient's life. It is also prescribing medication or a combination of medication that knowing will result in death. During this section of the speech is where the most insight is given.

Visual aids offer the audience additional understanding of the topic. Power point presentations are most effective when used correctly. In this example, the use of power point would work well and also give you an opportunity to provide additional information such as statistics, real life stories and examples as well as additional resources.



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