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Public Speaking

Essay by   •  May 21, 2012  •  Essay  •  789 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,583 Views

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Image isn't everything in the interview, but it's key to your success in getting a job. We all know about how important it is to be prepared for the interview. We always focus on the importance of being able to answer all types of interview questions, including behaviorally based questions, which catch many unknowing job seekers off guard. But despite all the preparation and skill you might bring to the table when interviewing, if your dress is inappropriate, your nails are unkempt, or your body language sends a negative message, you may lose your chance to get a job.

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So Today I am going to tell you about how to make soften images and make good first impression. Do you know how long it takes to evaluate and form first impression? It only takes 3 seconds! People forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, body language, demeanor, mannerisms, and how you are dressed in a very short time! It can be nearly impossible to reverse or undo, especially on a job interview. So first impression is very important!

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There are 5 major points that you have to keep in mind.

1. Smile

2. Open Posture

3. Forward Lean

4. Eye contact

5. Nod

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I think there is no one who hates smile. Smile is the good way to give a good first impression. A warm and confident smile will help you and the other person at ease. I will show you how to practice to make a pretty smile.

1. Relax muscles on your face (wink left eye and then right eye 2 times, open your eyes 2 times, make your cheeks like a frog for seconds, make your lips like when you kiss and frown your face, and open your mouth as possible as you can for 3 times. For the last, 개구리 뒷다리~ and keep your face for 10 seconds)

After today, you can improve your smile. But don't smile too much it can be seen to be lightweight.

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Next, open posture is also important.

Don't cross your arms or legs. Open posture showing that you are relaxed and also you can give an impression that you really care for the other person. Close posture such as cross your arms or legs showing a haughty attitude.

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Forward lean is part of body language. If you tilt forward your body can gives impression that you are focused on a conversation to other person.

When you sit on a chair, put your legs little bit forward,



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