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Research and Strategy Paper

Essay by   •  October 30, 2012  •  Essay  •  631 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,648 Views

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ReSeArCh AnD StRaTeGy PaPeR:


Danielle Lange


Angela Oleson

The main problem I have in my life is procrastination and learning to manage my time wisely. I find it very hard to start a task that I know needs to be done. This mostly involves procrastination in doing my schoolwork. I know when it needs to be done, and yet I always wait to start it at the last minute which barely leaves time to finish it before the due date.

I believe I actually have convinced myself that putting schoolwork off is alright because I am attending online, but it puts more stress on my day-to-day life. If I would learn to start ahead of time I would not have to worry about doing everything at the last minute, which could possible result in assignments being late.

To stop procrastinating on my schoolwork, I first needed to figure out why I was putting it off in the first place. There are many reasons why people procrastinate some of the reasons are because we are afraid. Procrastination could happen because there is a fear of failing or fear of success, either way they both keep us from taking action. I could name all the reasons but I believe the reason I procrastinate is that I can always find something else I would rather do. I think I am too busy and I know that I can complete things at the last minute and still get an acceptable grade. Even though it sounds good at the time to put it off the stress it causes, I could deal without.

In order to solve my problem with procrastination, I need to start with figuring exactly when and how I procrastinate. Usually it happens most when I sit down to do the task at hand and I result in cleaning the area of the house that I am in. Then before I know it three hours have passed, and I have not even started my original task. To solve this problem I need to create a productive environment. This involves finding a quiet spot where I cannot be bothered and most likely where there is no Internet connection so I am not tempted to play games or something else. With this I also need to have a scheduled time during the day that I will work on homework and nothing else.

First, I need to get a day planner so that I can plan out my day. Then I need to plan out a realistic time period that it will take me to complete the assignments for the week. Maybe two to four hours a day after work, and then plan the rest of the important tasks in my life I need to do around my schoolwork. If I need help figuring out a topic or proofreading I plan to ask for help, instead of just putting it off and submitting an assignment that could have been a lot better. Last I plan to take my time on the assignments that way I know the assignments are completed on



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