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Rolul Strategiei De Brand În Promovarea Şi Dezvoltarea Oraşelor

Essay by   •  December 10, 2011  •  Essay  •  570 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,392 Views

Essay Preview: Rolul Strategiei De Brand În Promovarea Şi Dezvoltarea Oraşelor

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Ruxandra Irina POPESCU


A powerful brand manages to attract quality

residents, tourists, investors and worldwide

events. The reputation of a city must be built

on positive, attractive, unique, sustainable and

relevant qualities for various kinds of people. A

brand strategy can determine the most realistic

and competitive strategic vision for a city and

maybe, can also, ensure that the one vision is

sustained and enriched by every investment and

communication between the city and the rest of

the world. It is necessary that everyone involved

in the creation of the brand demonstrates and

communicates the same idea of the brand in order

not to confuse people. For the same reason, this

process has to be treated at the highest level of

local authority and to have the mayor's support.

The communication sustained by a city can

regard the exported products, self-promotion in the

field of commerce, tourism and investments, the

internal and external policies behavior, the way it

promotes its culture and protects the environment,

as well as the way it competes with other cities

when it comes to sport and local events. If well

conceived and implemented, a brand strategy

can make an important difference on the local

trust generated, as well as upon the external

performance of the city.Conceptul de branding aplicat ţărilor, oraşelor şi regiunilor a început să fie utilizat

la mijlocul anilor '90 cu scopul de a susţine aceste zone geografice în competiţia lor

acerbă din mediul concurenţial. În această eră a "super-brandurilor" nu este nimic

neobişnuit în a considera un oraş, o ţară sau o regiune ca fiind un brand de succes.

Ne confruntăm astăzi cu cea mai comunicativă societate a tuturor timpurilor. Ţările

şi oraşele se află în competiţie pentru atragerea turiştilor, investiţiilor, talentelor şi

credibilităţii. Clienţii au la dispoziţie o paletă foarte largă de locuri din care pot alege,

fiecare cu mesaje atractive şi cu promisiuni extrem de credibile.



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