Signs and Miracles of Jesus
Essay by nikkisteve • December 10, 2013 • Research Paper • 1,571 Words (7 Pages) • 2,223 Views
Jesus had performed some miracles that were amazing. In fact it baffles me that there were people that did not believe in him still. There were prophecies that made the facts come to life about Christ but still even the Pharisees who knew the bible and the Jewish laws still called him a liar. I will discuss eight miracles and sign and explain what the miracle was and I will try to explain how each reveals His deity.
The first sign of Christ and the beginning of His ministry:
The first sign of Jesus Christ took place in the Gospel of John chapter two verses one through eleven. Jesus traveled to Cana and He and his disciples were called to a wedding where Jesus' mother was. When the wine ran dry His mother said to Him, they have no more wine. Jesus had replied to His mother saying in John 2:4 (KJV) Woman, what have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come. When Jesus said mine hour in not yet come, it probably means that the public revelation of Him being the Christ was not yet at hand (Towns). In it is unknown why His mother still ordered the servants to do whatever Jesus says. In verse eleven states, this is the beginning of Jesus miracles and the His disciples believed in Him. This represents Jesus' deity by demonstrating the power that Christ the Son of God has over natural creation. By doing this also it shows that He is equal with God the Father.
The second miracle not called a sign:
This miracle takes place in Galilee near the end of John chapter four in verses forty three to fifty four. There was a nobleman which was from Capernaum who had a son that was so sick that he was almost to the point of death. This nobleman had heard that Jesus was in Galilee and rushed there to ask Him to help heal his son because he knew of Christ and had faith that He would help his son. The man had asked Jesus to come with him to heal his son. In John 4:50 Jesus said to the nobleman "go thy way thy son liveth" and the man had faith and went on his way. This was also the first example of salvation to all who believe. This was a demonstration of Christ deity by showing His power over space, Jesus healed this boy without even going to him, some who use this to show Christ is God and reveals His omnipresence.
The third sign (John 5:1-16)
This miracle is one about the lame man being healed by Christ. After the feast of the Jews Jesus went to Jerusalem by the sheep market which was called Bethesda (John 5:2) which is means "house of mercy." It was there where many of the crippled and diseased would be hanging around waiting to be healed by the water that would be agitated by an angel, and be made whole. There was a certain man there that was sick for 38 years and made bed ridden and Jesus came and asked the man "wilt thou be made whole." The man said he had no one that would help him to the pool and someone always beats him to it. Jesus said to him in verse eight "Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk" and the man was healed and made whole. The demonstration of the deity of Christ here was his power over time; this man had been helpless for 38 years and was made whole within seconds. This also shows that He had mercy and grace on those in need. Just the fact that Jesus was able to do this miracle on a Sabbath day could demonstrate that because I am equal with the Father, I am free to work. (Towns)
The forth sign miracle of Christ (John 6:1-14):
The forth miracle reminds me of the fact that God can still meet our needs today. This miracle was the feeding of the five thousand taking place in John chapter six verses one though fifteen. Here many people followed Jesus because they saw the miracle He last did. Phillip one of the disciples asked Jesus if they should buy food for all to eat. It was then a small child was there with five barley loafs and two small fish and they asked with doubt "what are they among so many," Jesus told the disciples to have the men sit down and He gave thanks for the food and had the disciple distribute it among the men and there was enough food for all and some left over. The extra food was gathered up by the disciples. This shows Christ's deity over the power of food.