Sleeping Problem Research
Essay by a603709225 • January 4, 2018 • Research Paper • 6,885 Words (28 Pages) • 1,123 Views
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Module Code: PM504
Module Title: Research Project
Class Group Number: 2
Research Subject: Identify students’ experience of sleeping
problems and its affects.
Kaplan ID Number: 69963
Student Name: Chen Yang
Tutor’s Name: Lesley Gower
Total Number of Words: 3651
Submission Date: 29th June 2017
Research Project Report
Chen Yang
PM504 Research Project KICL
Kaplan International College London (KICL)
Summer 2017
Currently, sleeping problems have been harmful to human beings. Many of students claimed that they have various sleeping problems. Objective: This research aims to identify students’ experience of sleeping problems, find out the factors that cause sleeping problems and how it affects students. Research Design and method: the same questionnaires, which contain 15 questions, were distributed to 25 college students in Kaplan International College London (KICL). Questions focus on types of sleeping problems, reasons of problems and impact of problems. Result: The prevalence of sleep problems was over 80%, 60% reported insomnia and 52% had daytime sleepiness. Most participants had unhealthy behavior before sleep, such as addiction to new media. In addition, results showed busy school life was another reason. Major of participants with sleeping problems believe these problem had have impacts on their academic performance in class, emotional performance and behavior on next day.
Content List
Abstract 2
Introduction 4
Research Objectives 5
Research Questions 5
Literature Review 6
Methodology 11
Research design 11
Research Methods 11
Ethical considerations 13
Findings 14
Discussion 19
Conclusions and Recommendations 22
References 24
Appendices: 27
Appendix 1 – Questionnaire 27
Appendix 2 – Letter of Indemnity 32
Appendix 3 – Reflection 33
This study will investigate the students’ experience of having sleeping problems. The reason why the writer chooses this topic is that most of writer’s friends and researcher suffer various degrees of sleeping problems. Sleep is essential to personal health. Normally, a person needs 7 to 8 hours sleep so that it can keep the body function in good level. Nevertheless, a large number of students are facing sleeping problems in recent years. For instance, in accordance with a sleep disorder research designed by the National Commission, nearly 70 million American people have sleep related disorders. Among these 70 million people, approximate 40 million have chronic sleep disorders. The recent studies (Martin et al., 2007) suggested that people with sleeping problem have less energy and worse health than those who sleep well. In addition, insufficient sleep quantity and quality are related to different features as follow: mental health problems such as anxiety, depression; stress; poor health status; various risk behavior: smoking, drinking more, short sleep, media use, giving up breakfast; and poor school performance. The research (Gaultney, 2010) which participants were 1845 college students in a university in the US indicated that during 2007-2008, 27% of students have one sleep disorder or more potentially. Also those students who at risk for sleep problem are likely stuck in academic performance failure. Therefore, the study will also find reasons and how sleeping problems impact students’ daily life.
Research Objectives
- To examine the prevalence of different sleeping problems among students.
- To identify the factors that cause sleeping problems.
- To evaluate the impact of sleeping problems in student’s daily life.
Research Questions
- What are main sleeping problems among KICL students?
- What are the factors of sleeping problems among KICL students?
- How sleeping problems affect KICL students’ academic performance and personal life?
Literature Review
At first, the literature review will find out what kinds of sleeping problems among international students, which previous studies have examined. Next, a number of reasons of sleeping problem that found by previous studies will be showed in the review. At last, the correlation between sleeping problems and social and academic performance that evaluated by various studies will be present in the review. Besides, this research will compare and discuss previous studies.
There are an increasing number of young people suffering sleeping problems, which affects their quality of daily living (Yang et al., 2003). A number of studies focus on sleep patterns and sleep habits. Hershner and Chervin (2014) found that daytime sleepiness, sleep deprivation and irregular sleep are the most common among college students. Writing in 2012, Schiarb, Kulessa & Gulewitsch showed that over 16% of 2196 university students need at least half an hour to fall asleep. However, 70.9% of participants are female. The result may not indicate the gender difference. To be precise, Tsai (2004) asked 263 participants completed a 7-day log to record sleep patterns of them. The work of Tsai stated that female’s sleep and wake up earlier than males, but poorer sleep quality than the male. Although the work of Tsai had smaller sample, it present reliable data because of log in detail instead of questionnaire. Moreover, Tsui and Wing (2009) investigated sleep patterns and sleeping problems in 620 Chinese business students in Hong Kong. Figures from Tsui’s and Wing’s study indicated that most students had noticeable less sleep duration in weekdays and sleep deprivation. A similar study can also be found in Korea. In 2001, Ban and Lee (2001) investigated sleep patterns of 1414 university students in Korea by questionnaires. The result of the study confirmed that the mean sleep duration of university students was near 6.7 hours. Figures showed that nearly a third of respondents suffered insufficient sleep, 36% of them had at least a kind of sleep disturbances. Both of studies of Tsui and Ban had large sample, which may help to reduce mistake of research. However, each study above only research in one university, even one type of students. Furthermore, Preisegolaviciute (2010) and his colleagues selected 405 students from different universities and different grades in Lithuania. Researchers demonstrated that 59.4% of participants reported sleep disorder. In particular, the figures showed that medical students had highest frequency of suffering sleep disturbances compared with law and economics students.