The Purpose of the Research Study, Problem, and Questions
Essay by js1radovan • January 27, 2013 • Essay • 1,482 Words (6 Pages) • 1,913 Views
Essay Preview: The Purpose of the Research Study, Problem, and Questions
Within the article that was research was titled, "Racial and Ethnic Disparity and Criminal Justice: How Much is Too Much?" It was apparent that this article was interesting and compelling. It has passed review by its peers and is very informative. This article was presented in a way that was written to supply the research data which describes the precise portions and pieces that were able to fulfill the race diversities within the criminal involvement and the racial patterns in the criminal justice system that have been important.
The Purpose of the Research Study, Problem, and Questions.
The main purpose of this study was to find out if the racial differences within the criminal justice system were vital within the past years, since the 1960's. This can be considered to be very important for the reason that within the present decades there has been a significant amount of research articles and literature that does concentrate on racial profiling by law enforcement officers and racial diversities, arrest, sentencing, and many other areas within the criminal justice system, as well as the juvenile justice system, which has also increased.
Design of the Study
The design of the study was to acknowledge that there was a broad range of research results, however there was not an admittance of the limitation to the minute sizes that have been taken into account when observed. With this stated, there had only been some studies that actually had found that there were no racial or ethnic diversities, rather than a large racial diversities. When there was a comparison of the American criminal justice system practices in the last decades of the twentieth century and the first of the twenty-first with earlier periods the former probably looks to be fairer and more just than the latter. (Crutchfield, R.D., Fernandes, A., Martinez, J. 2010) The diversities that have been found are known to be not "too much" There have been other researchers and criminologist that has argued that the difference is statistically important. As a result, it does not really make it an actuality, but it does make it able to be known throughout everyday life. Within the studies there are no reports that there is a significant racial diversity within the criminal justice processing and the studies that were reported had substantial diversities. However, when taken together, the observed differences were questioned. The outcomes of the studies had reported that there are important racial differences within the criminal outcomes, but the effect sizes are known to still be too small.
An Operational Definition Used by the Researcher's
The operational definition that were used and looked at by the researchers was used in three ways. The first way was the biologic. This involved using an individual's physique that is related to the kind of crime that had been committed, which they also concluded that criminality is genetic, which there was a chemical imbalance that is in an individual's brain that may lead to the criminal behavior. Another way was psychological. Which this states that criminal behavior derives from the inadequately developed ego. This is stating that because of this the moral development within childhood leads to criminal behavior. The last way is Sociologic. This is saying that socializing with criminals develops criminal behaviors. With this, societies do label an individual's deviant of criminality. This is the failure to reach the goals of the sociologic through these means also leads to crime. As a result by doing these operational definitions, they concluded that diversities that have been found are known to be not "too much" Racial diversities are known but the research was little or not enough.
Inductive Logic
Inductive logic operates through moving from precise and specific observations to a much wider range and theories. With this stated; within the article, the researcher had observed that there were a number of studies of individual sentencing within some jurisdictions, but not in others. The conclusion to his theory was that there was not enough proof of the unfair racial diversities in how individuals were being sentenced.
Deductive Logic
Deductive logic operates from the more general to the more specific. With this stated; within the article, the researcher had observed that by looking at several jurisdictions, he could then make an accurate description of sentencing and other system disparities. In all, with doing so, he was able to conclude that one should take caution to involve the studies of as many different jurisdictions as possible to get an accurate study of racial diversities.