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Soil and Water Conservation

Essay by   •  April 26, 2011  •  Essay  •  468 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,540 Views

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Soil and Water Conservation

Soil and water make up a huge percentage of our world. Without water and soil there would be no life on earth. Soil doesn't just appear out of nowhere, a magician cannot just wave their magic wand and "poof" the soil appears. So where exactly does the soil that is provided for the world come from? Soil is made from broken up rocks, leaves, trees, bugs, and many more things.

Soil conservation is the best way to make sure we have the land we need to have to live on, or for insects and animals to live in. If you see soil around you eroding, protect it with fresh grass or healthy soil around you. There are four layers of soil they are broken down; they are called Horizons. The top horizon is estimated to be an inch thick, this layer consist of dead things. These dead organisms breakdown the soil and helps keeps it healthy. The second horizon contains roots, fungi and bacteria. The critters living in the soil live off of these things. Horizon three does not have much is this layer because it is so hard and compacted with the layers that appear top of them, although, there may be a few dead bugs and some rocks. The last horizon is very hard. It's considered to be the parent material that is made up of rocks.

Weather plays a big role in our nature; it affects the soil and provides water. While the weather gets hotter, the rocks expand bigger, and while the weather gets colder, the rocks shrink. With this experience, as the rocks expand and contract little pieces will break apart and are produced into soil. Also, when it rains, the water breaks down other elements turning them into soil for the earth also.

When watering your lawn and garden in the early morning may not seem to make a difference it actually does. If you water them in the morning, before the sun comes up, it helps reduce the amount of water lost while evaporation occurs when the sun's intense heat beats down upon the environment. Also, if you have rain gutters installed on your house or collect water from downspouts, it reduces evaporation as well. Another wise decision is setting up windbreaks and fences to slow down winds and reduce evarpotranspiration.

If we all make a little adjustment to save one thing it will all add up to a massive amount that has been saved and will help the whole world with some troubles and complications. One thing can change and many eroded places and unhealthy selections of the environment that could then be completely reconstructed and could provide many things for people in the world to achieve. Without a healthy environment nothing will ever get accomplished.



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