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Strategic Challenge Faced by F&p

Essay by   •  July 31, 2011  •  Essay  •  332 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,181 Views

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fffff fffff ffff ffff fff ffff fffff f f fffffffffffffffffff ff ffff fffff f f fff ffff f ffff fffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffff ff fff f ff ff fff ff f ff f ffff ffff fff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fef wa w wr wr af as fas fasf as fasf asfasfa fasds sdf asf asfqwfwaf asfd a dasds d asdasdas dad wrawadasdas das dsd adsdas ds dsdsad egrgds k dxfd fdsfds dfsd fds fsd fs jkryry tfdh tdhdgh d hdf hdfg fs gsd sdg jtyj dfg sdg eqra f rhet he rtwtwet we tw we twe twrrewywwetwet wetwe t ewt we ew tw twe tw tw twe teter 3rewrwerqe r rhth heth ehe ggrgwgewfqeef qf dsf sdf stsd vdx sv sd vgds gsdfdfsd sd Another strategic challenge faced by F&P arose in 2008 with the global recession. The reality of the recession was that it no multinational company could evade the detrimental effects to business that it caused. For F&P this meant a huge reduction in global demand which caused sales to drop by around 13% internationally increasing the bargaining power of buyers as white ware companies struggles to move stock (New Zealand Press Association, 2009). As well as this F&P found itself in mounting debt which was causing share prices to plummet, further increasing their debt to equity ratio (Fisher & Paykel Appliances Limited, 2010). These factors had led to the demise of many firms during the recession and had long term effects on others. For F&P reduced revenues and increased debt could have flow on effects that affect company capital which is critical in funding R&D to maintain F&P's competitive advantages. When crisis like this occurs on a global scale it is critical that companies like F&P have a contingency plan or a strategy to reduce risk in global markets.



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