Sugar Metabolism Worksheet
Essay by Mitzi Sumperos • September 22, 2016 • Lab Report • 1,232 Words (5 Pages) • 1,821 Views
Student ID | 27858154 | Surname | Sumperos | First Name | Mitzi Miriam |
Unit Code | PHY2032 | Unit Title | Endocrine Control Systems | ||
Assignment Title | Sugar Metabolism Worksheet | ||||
Lecturer name | Farshad Mansouri | Tutor’s name |
| ||
Tutorial Day | Wednesday | Tutorial Time | 2 PM | ||
Has any part of this assignment been previously submitted as part of another unit/course? Y ☐ N ☒ | |||||
Is this an authorised group assessment? Y ☐ N -☒ For group assessment, each student must attach their own signed coversheet to the assignment | |||||
Due Date | 12/8/2016 | Date Submitted | 12/8/2016 |
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PHY2032 2016 Sugar Metabolism Worksheet
Submit an individual electronic version of this worksheet to the Moodle drop box.
Due Friday 12/08/2016 at 2pm
An excellent tutorial on how to oraganise your data in excel and graph it using Graphpad Prism specifically for this practical is available here:
Use the data in the class excel data file available on MOODLE, construct and provide the following 2 graphs:
- Line graph: The mean blood glucose concentration (± standard error of the mean, SEM) for each experimental group for each time point (time 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min). Hint: GraphPad Prism can automatically calculate SEM but to do it manually: divide the standard deviation by the square root of the number of samples (n) in the group, i.e. SEM = STDEV(#) / SQRT(COUNT(#)).
- Bar graph: The mean ± SEM change in peak blood glucose concentration of each group. The change in blood glucose concentration is the difference between the maximum blood glucose concentration (the highest blood glucose concentration after consumption of the sugar drink) and the basal blood glucose concentration.
Create your graphs in GraphPad Prism and insert them in the space below.