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The Absolute True Dairy of a Part Time Indian

Essay by   •  December 15, 2011  •  Essay  •  260 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,186 Views

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The Namesake

On his First day of Kindergarten Nikhil is told by his parents that he has to go by a

new name. A good name a name that only his teacher and other children will call him.

He is told that his mother and father have two names also so does all his relatives and

his friends inn Calcutta. They tell him it's a part of growing up it's a part of being

Bengali. That he will go by the name of Gogol he comes so upset he begins to weep.

B) Second Topic Supported from Novel:


Being a Women in India your fate and your future is decided for you. By the

mother and father in a traditional ceremony of meeting potential husbands it ultimately

the man side of coin who they deiced to marry and to whom. As Ashima is entering the

front door of her home she is greeted by her mother who tell her to go " Straight to her

room and Prepare herself ; a man was waiting for her." This is where Ashima meet

Ashoke for the first time. She is asked by Ashoke father is she willing to go in a plane far

away from her friends and family to live in a new country characterized by severe, snowy.

winters, alone. And so life beginning the day she was to marry and come to America with

her new found Husband and a unfounded future that had to be anything but comforting and had to

be complrlty terrifyng at the same time.



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