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The Major Causes and Effects of Smoking

Essay by   •  September 18, 2011  •  Essay  •  461 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,815 Views

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How many times have you seen ads suggestion people to quit smoking? Majority of the ads tells people that smoking causes cancer and even death. But in actuality, this doesn't seem to be a good enough reason for people to put down the death stick. Most people only smoke to fit in with the group or give themselves nicknames like "social smokers". These are the people that have the mentality of, "the ads don't apply to me" or "they are not talking about me". The purpose of this essay is to discuss other factors to consider about cigarettes. These factors are: heart attacks and strokes, Emphysema, and the actual cost of buying cigarettes.

The first effect of smoking cigarettes is heart attacks and strokes. The toxic ingredients that are found in cigarettes slows down the flow of blood in the body. With the flow of blood restricted throughout the human body, oxygen is cut off from the hands and feet. Over a period of time, a person can actually have their hands and feet amputated just because of smoking cigarettes. Also, the carbon monoxide that are found in cigarettes robs the body of oxygen causing the heart to work extra hard. This can eventually led to a heart attack, stroke, or even death.

The second effect of smoking cigarettes is Emphysema. Emphysema is a condition that limits the flow of air when you breathe out. Some of the symptoms of this condition are shortness of breath, wheezing, and even fatigue. Most smokers that have emphysema often get bronchitis as well. With the many different chemicals that are found in cigarettes, it can be easily said that smoking is the leading cause of Emphysema.

The third effect of smoking cigarettes is eventually it will affect the smoker's personal finances. With the economy the way that it is today, the average pack of cigarettes in some places can be well over $5.00 a pack. A true and dedicated smoker will pay the price to fulfill his addictive habit. Not only does smoking cost a pretty penny to supply the habit, smoking also cost in the long run when medication and treatment is needed from doctors to cure illnesses caused by smoking. Without the proper treatment, smoking can cause death, which is the ultimate price to pay.

These affect are only a fraction on what smoking can do to the human body. Even though the manufactures' of tobacco products often warn the buyer of the potential dangers of smoking, majority of them just don't listen or either they just don't care. The ads that are advertised are only trying to get people to think about their health. If people would take the advice, there will be less people suffering from serious health issues caused by smoking.



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