Toyota Business Analysis
Essay by people • June 18, 2012 • Case Study • 1,786 Words (8 Pages) • 1,778 Views
The idea of this paper is suggest alternative strategies that would help Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) in dealing with the present crisis of issues. This analysis is based on the previous done research by about. As suggestions and recommendations are based on the already done research initially the paper furthers to evaluate the research's arguments and conclusions. This is anticipated to answer the given two questions:
What are the argument and conclusions resulting from about research?
What are the alternative strategies to deal with the issues facing by TMC?
The major arguments as can be seen in the research can be classified into two sections. In the first section the researcher discussed the weakness of the organization followed by identifying the threats to the company in the second section. The good part of the research is that each of the identified issues in both sections is very well argued with suggested remedial measures and possible intimidations. Related conclusions of the discussions are also framed up in the discussions wherein competitor's performance and actions are also discussed. Thus this paper takes up the identified issues individually.
Research Arguments
The major part of the discussions in the research paper include: 1) inconsistency in benchmarking; 2) variable in overseas profile; 2) total quality control; 3) internal stakeholders; 4) management systems; and 5) organizational culture.
Benchmarking: The prime concern expressed in the research was indicative towards the benchmarking efforts of Toyota in its overseas markets. Variable in overseas profile of the TMC has been indicated as the prime loophole for its success. This was because of the tough competition from the local automobile manufacturers.
Another weakness of TMC was from because of the value added to the cost of the automobile which was comparatively high (43.1%); this however was only 31.3% in the Europe. Specific indication was also given to low level productions in the UK (Hines, 1998). The reason stated was the gap that was created due to variations in measuring the orders or the forecasts for the upcoming orders being made.
Total Quality Control (TQC): The image that the company has gained through years has been under threat because of inconsistency in quality within the assembly line. The reasons stated thereof was because of various criticism from both the analysts, critics and the academic researchers. Once the much appreciated and acclaimed system of 'total quality control' of Toyota, that was is major strength seems to have received criticism from all quarters. The prime reasons stated thereof was because of the US recalling one of its high-end and the most prestigious sedan model 'Camry'.1 The stated reasons include: uncontrolled accelerations, failures in brake systems, the research further argues that the alarms raised in the initial stages were ignored resulting in far more criticism for TMC's quality control mechanism.
Internal Stakeholders: In furtherance to ignoring the initial alarms causing criticism to the quality control system in TMC the internal stakeholders (mostly executives and the managers) assumptions of non-failure that was mostly depended on the technological aspect resulted in paying little attention to the complaints. In this regard the research contrasted the example of Hyundai that was also facing similar issues; however its quick reaction to customer's complaint on priority saved it from the similar consequences of TMC (Shim and Steers, 2012).
Management System: Another important discussion of the research was indicating towards the effective management system (MS) of TMC. This according to the research was much appreciated by academicians and was also used as a learning tool. However the research contrasted that for TMC it wouldn't be a big task to re-structure or modify the existing systems; otherwise the consequences would be divesting with competitors irrespective of the fact that TMCs MS might have given it an excellent image.
Organizational Culture: The research finally indicating towards the TMCs organizational culture stated that the reluctant attitude of the managerial nature. Comparison with its competitors was also indicated in the implementation approach. This was discussed in contrast to the organizational culture of TMC that was stated as to have brought stability to the company by Bird et al., (2010).
Research Conclusions
As discussed earlier, the given research to analyze indicated factors responsible for the failure of TMC. This was done by indicating issues in the functionality of the organization in terms of benchmarking, quality control, internal stakeholders, management system and organizational culture. Related conclusions were also drawn by the researcher within each of the discussed factor. As this paper is also required to suggest or recommend alternative strategies for TMC, and to do so the conclusions of the research are also discussed in the context of each of the identified factors.
In terms of benchmarking the research concluded to state that forecasts made by TMC for the anticipated orders resulted in lower production in the UK. This resulted delay in delivery of vehicles. The research on one hand praised the systematic and coordinated system of total quality and on the other hand identified the loopholes indicating to an example of its featured vehicle being recalled in the US market. Giving literary evidences the response of the management to the crisis was termed as sluggish resulting in reputation of the organization.
Discussing on the role of the internal stakeholders the research also concluded to state that more dependence on their technology, with specific assumptions of outcome, and the non-realization of the actual role by the executives and the managers lead to not paid serious attention to the plights of the customers.
In furtherance the research suggested that as TMC management system is widely acclaimed necessary changes by adherence to the current system was suggested. The research finally concluded that TMCs organizational culture though facilitated stability needs to be improved based on the above discussions related alternative strategies is discussed