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Web Design - a New Frontier

Essay by   •  August 14, 2011  •  Term Paper  •  1,734 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,755 Views

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Web design

A new frontier

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Axia College of University of Phoenix

Web design

A new frontier

Before I get into the all the details about why I choose to become a web designer I would like to give you a little background on where I am from and how I came to be who I am today. I grew up in Bakersfield California where I went to a public school that was directly across the street from my house the first couple of years of school I did good. The summer before third grade my dad started a new job that kept him away from home for weeks at a time and my grades started to fall it didn't take long before I was a D average student who was getting in trouble all the time, I think I spent more time in the principles office than I did in class. From there I went on to high school I skipped class 75% of my first year but still managed a low C average, you see I did all my school work I just did it at the end of the year. All of my teachers said I was too intelligent to throw my grades away the way I was, I was just interested in other things, mainly skateboarding and girls. To make a long story short I ended up in a continuation school aka a school for troublemakers and bad kids.

Well those choices made for a lot of fun but as I soon found out it made my adult life a lot harder. I struggled to find a job, nobody wanted to hire someone who graduated from a continuation school you see they considered my diploma no better than a G.E.D. I only had one option open to me to join the NAVY so I did and that is where I was first introduced computers and the wonderful world of the internet. Computers and the internet where a bit different back then somewhat bland with minimal visual effects and poor navigation. It was then that I realized that I wanted to work with computers. I still was not sure exactly what I wanted to do with computers just that I wanted to work with them. During my time in the NAVY I started to realize that I new very little about computers but I did have many friends who new a lot about computers so I listened to everything they told me.

I chose web design because to me it is more than just creating cool looking web pages to me its being able to unleash all my creative energy in a way that does not require natural talent. My only natural talent is my imagination. Computers seem to be the only way for me to allow my imagination to flow. There are many reasons to choose web design as a career freedom to work for yourself, decent source of income, you get to meet other like-minded people, and it allows you to express yourself.

Ok what is web design well according to Wikipedia "Web design is the skill of creating presentations of content (usually hypertext or hypermedia) that is delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web, by way of a Web browser or other Web-enabled software like Internet television clients, micro blogging clients and RSS readers." (Web design, para. 1).

Now designing web pages is not a very difficult career to get into is all it takes is some schooling and a little customer service. Well there is a little more than that involved ill try to give you a run down of some of the things you will need to accomplish in order to become a successful web designer. First you need to get at least your associates degree, there are some people out there who have become successful without schooling but it is rare so finish school the more you know the better off you are. Having that piece of paper that says you finished school is a big help to. The next step before you start trying to sell your services is to make a few test web pages this will help to build your portfolio. Ok the final thing you need to do before you can make some money is get a business license without a license you can get into some serious trouble.

Ok now I am going to give you a rundown on some of the things you will be able to do once you finish getting your degree in web design or more specifically multimedia and visual communication. Not only will you learn how to properly write different types of documents, which is important in the business world but you will also learn graphic design. In other words, you will learn how to make business cards, fliers, newspaper ads, and any other graphic content you can think of. I know; why do you need to go to school in order to learn this, well the answer is, in school you learn how to make your products marketable any body can throw together a business card but not every one can make it saleable. Taking the web design classes will help you to better understand you client's wishes and be able to bring them to life.

"Today more people are shopping online than ever." (Nall, 2010). Is what this means for you is that



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