West Wall the Three Lines
Essay by people • June 15, 2011 • Essay • 419 Words (2 Pages) • 1,882 Views
West wall The three lines
of inscription between the two rows of deities are appeals
to several gods, Atum, Osiris, Khenty-Imentiu, and the
Enead, to grant the deceased strength, greatness, power,
and dignity.
South wallThe leading god in the _rst scene is Thoth,
the Ibis-headed _gure, referred to in the text above as
lord of Wenu (Hermopolis or El-Ashmunin), and scribe
of truth to the great Ennead. The divinities in the sec-
ond scene are called gods of the Duat (the Underworld),
and the text of the third scene refers to all the Gods of
Truth. The fourth and last scene is dedicated to Ra-
Horakhti-Atum, lord of the two lands of Anu (Heliopo-
lis). When followed from west to east there is some
logic in the choice of the divinities depicted in these
scenes. It begins with the judgement of the deceased,
usually recorded by Thoth. This is followed by the voy-
age through the Duat with its numerous, mysterious ge-
nies, and _nally the reemergence like the sun's reappear-
ance at the eastern horizon after an arduous nocturnal
East wall
North wall
The scene is surrounded by 29 columns of text,
the largest in this tomb, from Chapter 1 of the Book of
the Dead (BD). This text is also arranged from west to
east with the _rst three columns actually being on the
western wall. Under the title: Chapter of going to the
Tribunal of Osiris on the day of burial of Sennedjem",
the text begins with the deceased addressing Osiris by
his epithet Bull of the West". He identi_es himself
with several gods: the great god in the boat of the sun,
a god of the tribunal that vindicated Osiris, one of those
gods born to Nut, and also with Thoth, Horus, and
others. Sennedjem, also identi_es himself with priests