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Why Is Patroism Matter

Essay by   •  December 4, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,557 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,328 Views

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Article: A Case of Malignant Melanoma of the Oral Cavity Alive with Liver Metastasis for a Long Period with Administration of a Biologic Response Modifier, OK 432, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan. Background: An 81-year-old woman who had a tumor in her mouth; the diagnosis, Malignant Melanoma. The hypothesis found 7 months after surgery that the patient's melanoma had metastasized to her liver. As to the extreme age of the patient, it was decided to use immunotherapy with a biological response modifier OK432. Now almost 4 years lacking 2 months later, the woman is still alive although the tumor can still be found on CT scan and ultrasonic examination. Conclusion: Usually with distant metastasis of melanoma, the life expectancy is very low. However, with the use of OK432, this particular patient is doing well.

It seems that OK432 has been used for cancer patients in Japan for 30 years. They have not conducted a controlled study of OK432 in Melanoma patients, but considering the results in this 81-year-old woman, they think OK432 is good for use in patients with Metastatic Melanoma, but they do need to test more conclusively the effects of OK432 on this disease.

Guideline: NGC 006529, Biochemotherapy for the treatment of metastatic malignant melanoma: a clinical practice guideline, 2007.

Objectives: To find out what effect biochemotherapy will have in treating metastatic malignant melanoma.

Target population: All adults with metastatic malignant melanoma.

Outcomes: Chemotherapy alone versus chemotherapy with interleukin 2 and interferon, interferon and interleukin 2 without chemotherapy and chemotherapy with interleukin 2 and interferon as opposed to chemotherapy with interferon.

I learned that if I wanted to die from melanoma biochemotherapy would be a good way to do it. There were very unstable results and a high toxicity rate from biochemotherapy which is a very toxic therapy and causes many hematologic, cardiovascular, renal toxicity. Although they say treatment related death can be minimized. This does not sound like a good thing to me.

Clinical Trial: A randomized Phase II Trial of Multi-Epitope Vaccination with Melanoma Peptides For Cytotoxic T Cells and Helper T Cells for Patients With Metastatic Melanoma

Condition: Melanoma

Interventions: Compare the cytotoxic T-cell responses of 12 melanoma peptides. Compare the helper T-Cell response to 6 melanoma helper peptides. Decide if the addition of 6 melanoma helper peptides to a vaccine adds to the response in patients. Decide if booster vaccination maintains immune response. Compare the rate of clinical response to survival rates in patients using this vaccination. Decide if cellular immune response coincides with clinical response and survival rates.

Status: Completed

Phase: Phase II

Eligibility and location: 18 years or older, male or female, no healthy volunteers

California Delaware Florida

Illinois Indiana Iowa

Maryland Michigan Minnesota

New Jersey Ohio Pennsylvania

South Dakota Wisconsin

Summary: Basically, patients are given several shots of peptide vaccine to compare the T-Cell responses and patients are evaluated at 8 and 12 weeks to make sure the disease is not progressing and then the patients are given booster vaccinations.

Oncogenic Osteomalacia

Article: Oncogenic Osteomalacia: A Reversible Metabolic Bone Disorder. Maulama Azad Medical College, New Delhi, India. The topic studied was oncogenic osteomalacia in the fact that (00) is a well-known disorder of renal phosphate reabsorption which is initiated by several growth factors, but most significantly by the fibroblast growth factor-23. In conclusion, it seems that the doctors find treating this disease a rewarding experience inasmuch as the improvement of osteomalacia after removal of tumors is quite high. Conclusion: It seems to me that using imaging such as CT and MRI scans is an effective way of finding tumors; however, in a few patients the tumor is not found. These patients are given oral phosphate salt and vitamin D metabolite calcitriol to relieve the symptoms of (00) until a tumor is found.

Guideline: NGC 005108, K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for bone metabolism and disease in children with chronic kidney disease. 2005.

Objectives: For children with bone disease and kidney disease that a doctor or healthcare provider might be able to better treat and diagnose these diseases.

Target: Children with kidney disease. Basically, the outcomes are mortality rate from vitamins, aluminum toxicity and a myriad of bone problems, such as factures, deformities, abnormalities, and disease.

It seems that these children must be monitored very closely



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