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Zodic Sign

Essay by   •  May 17, 2016  •  Essay  •  879 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,553 Views

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People believe that different signs of the zodiac present different characteristics and talents. In total there are 12 signs; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. We now focus on the 9th sign, the “Sagittarius" or "Sagittarians" as some people like to call them. Restless energy and the need for personal independence keep Sagittarians moving in many directions. Ruled by Jupiter and known as the "gypsies of the zodiac", Sagittarians are constantly seeking either pleasure or knowledge and make friends easily. Not everybody shares all the characteristics of their astrological sign.

people think that all Sagittarius make friends easily, that’s not true. I was born December 12th, I have had only 8 friends in my whole life, not because I’m not friendly, like my sign I’m very friendly and love to be friends with everyone else but not everyone else wanted to my friend. In 8th grade I was a very quiet person so one day these girls came up to me, and one of them I liked, they asked me if I wanted to hang out, of course I said yea, for a week I would meet up with them at lunch and always buy them lunch. A boy I didn’t like and had a fight with, came up to me and told me that the girls were just using me for the food, but I wasn’t trying to listen, I thought he was just mad cause the girl I liked was with me. After on school on Friday I started thinking about what he said, I asked her “why do I always buy you’ll food but you never hang with me after that?”, her answer was “your cool”, ok “what makes me your friend?”, she didn’t have an answer. I stopped buying them food, I learned in to friendly, but I did make a new friend, who would’ve ever knew that the person that would a real friend would be the one you didn’t like in the beginning? Yes, I am friendly just as my sign says but I do not make friends so easily.

Sagittarius are not emotional or moody people; in fact, they can be downright emotionally detached but they do get irritable when they are bored. This is very true about me to an extent, the only time I every was sad is when I’m in a relationship and I really cared for the person but we break up. I just never been the type to really show emotion, I believe that it’s a waste of time, crying won’t bring someone back from the dead or get what you want nor will being happy make everyone like and being mad wont nobody gives you what you want. I wasn’t always like this, until I was 15 I was always emotional, well at least showed it. After 15, I stopped caring so much about stuff, as I got older I showed less emotion for things around me. 2014, I met this girl, real nice girl, beautiful and sexy figured, we dated for 8 months than I found out she was cheating on me for 3 of those 8 months. I felt a type of way but because of my sign, I felt it for a few hrs., I made up my mind to not care, so a



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