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A Study on Relationship of Public Transportations System Between the Impacts in Malaysia's Economic Growths Among Passenger in Kuala Lumpur

Essay by   •  September 24, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  1,565 Words (7 Pages)  •  2,188 Views

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Chapter One-Introduction

1.0 Background of study

Public transportation has become widely popular all over the world especially in urban area. There were a lot of public transportation available and the most popular and currently used transports modes were bus, rail and taxi. Less a decade, there were many effective way to fulfill the need of human being as well as advanced technology in every fields such as the modernization of transports.

Meanwhile, the latest creation of this technology will lead to the systematic public transportation system. Indirectly, there might increases of the economic growth in the country. For developing country, globalization representative affect citizen and cultures itself. Same goes to the lifestyle that need everything to be parallel in addition became more productive in this new era. Utusan,2011

When the level of public transportation was upgraded, economic growths of the country will changes. Did the upgrading will changes the level in Malaysia economic growths in got to be better or worst. Will other implication may the country faces and what the best solution to overcome it.

1.1 Problem statement

According to a roadmap for Malaysia journal, public transport in this country remains inadequate. Urban public transport in Greater Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley is congested, fragmented and often unreliable. Our roads face increasing congestion by the day. Public transport modal share stands at just 12 percent (as of 2009), having declined from 34 percent in 1985 and 20 percent in 1997.2 Other major metropolitan areas, such as Singapore, Hong Kong and Tokyo, typically have public transport modal shares over 50 percent. (Economic Transformation Programme, a Roadmap for Malaysia,2011)

It might affect the level of economic growths. As a nation, Malaysia lags regional competitors in attracting foreign companies. There are approximately 1,600 foreign companies based in Malaysia comp ared to 4,000 in Beijing, 6,000 in Singapore and 17,000 in Shanghai. Even in sectors where Malaysia may appear well-placed to compete, such as Islamic finance, we are not as dominant, in terms of presence of key global players.

1.2 Objective of the study

The major purpose of the study was obtained the information on the relationship of public transportation system between the impacts of economic growths in Malaysia. This information might help the government or non government organization to identify the relational and impacts better. The study was focused on:

i. To identify the effectiveness of upgrading public transportation in Malaysia

ii. To examine whether the economic growth may increase due to upgrading public transportation system

1.3 Research questions

i. How effectiveness the upgrading public transportation system progression and how about an economic growths level in Malaysia

ii. Is there any relationship between public transportation system and Malaysia economic growths?

iii. Is there any perception toward user in upgrading public transportation and influence in economic growths?

1.4 Operational of Definition

The following terms are often mentioned in the study because they specify the variables used in this study. A brief of these terms are given next:

1.4.1 Public Transportation System

Public transportation can be defined as a system of transportation where the passenger usually did not use their own transportation to move. (1 Klik,2012)

Mostly, the public transportation systems are prepared either by government or non-government organization. In developing the systematic chain of public transportation systems, it will involve a lot of high costing in investment of money from both, government and non-government which mean from the developing systematic of public transportation system automatically can gain our economy growths. (Isabudin,n.d)

1.4.2 Economic Growths

Economic growth is the increase in the amount of the goods and services produced by an economy over time. It is conventionally measured as the percent rate of increase in real gross domestic product, or real GDP. Growth is usually calculated in real terms, i.e. inflation-adjusted terms, in order to net out the effect of inflation on the price of the goods and services produced. In economics, "economic growth" or "economic growth theory" typically refers to growth of potential output, i.e., production at "full employment," which is caused by growth in aggregate demand or observed output.

1.5 Limitation of Study

The scope of the study was being limited to the user around Kuala Lumpur and Klang Valley areas. The scope also investigate all range of ages especially workers and students.

There are some limitations of this include the surveying design and minor sample size. Other reason is less time to conduct surveying such as during peak hour which had to strive with class schedule and did surveying at some places.


2.0 Introduction

This chapter will review of related literature such as the impact to our economic growth and user perception in upgrading public transportation system in certain area. Mostly it is more focus on how effective public transportation system that influence Malaysia's economic growths level in recently years. This chapter also discussed the advantages in upgrading public transportation system.




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