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Baby Bomers

Essay by   •  November 19, 2012  •  Essay  •  221 Words (1 Pages)  •  1,403 Views

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This article is surprisingly true in many ways. The generation does have high wants and a lavish lifestyle wants. This baby boomers generation is filled with wants, not necessarily needs. The way this generation is spending money on little things can raise the price on things for the economy. A lot of this generation has already raised their kids and paid off their houses and are set with extra money to spend on wants. This generation will raise prices on goods and as the next generation moves in with less disposable income is going to make it harder for the economy to spend money as needed. I feel a lot of this generation acts like they were born with the silver spoon in the mouth and they want to continue or raise the bar on what they are used too. Like the model of keeping up with the Jones's. Neighbors are going to want more and more because their neighbor has more. Question I ask is when does it stop? By doing so, it will raise the bar for the cost of living for the next generation. The biggest issue we are having in my opinion is that we are continuously becoming more of a consuming nation than a producing economy.


Embrey, Allison. (2004), The Largest Generation. Convenience Store News, 40(12)



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