Being a Professional Soldier
Essay by people • May 23, 2012 • Essay • 515 Words (3 Pages) • 21,320 Views
Why is being a Professional soldier important? and what does it mean to be a professionl soldier? First and foremost being a professional
soldier is extremely important not only on the battlefield but in any situation being professional while performing everyday tasks is important
not only because you do what is right and get it done in a timely manner for the sake of getting it done but also for your chain of command.
You are their responsibility and the better you look the better they look and the better they look the more smoothly things will go. being
professional can meqan getting promotions or just being recognized which are both good things. But being professional on the battlefield
is what is most important. Being professional on the battlefield can save live being professional means living up to the seven army values
and doing everything including the job the army has assigned you to do to the best of your abilities giving one hundred percent at all times.
Doing everything the right way not just the big things the little things as well. Being professional also includes looking professional when
you look professional it leaves a good lasting impression on others especially your superiors. Which could also lead to promotions as well.
Doing your job, or MOS, profesionally is also a good way to get noticed because if youre doing your job professionally and efficientkly you
look good and you can get equipment and soldiers mission ready fast and your higher ups wont have any doubt that the job was done right and
everyone else can get on with their jobs which keeps the army rolling a long smoothly. Being a professional can pay off in many ways and most
off, being a professional soldier includes having motivation and ambition because without those two things you have no drive to strive for
perfection or excellence thus ending in no professionalism at all. To me professionalism is doing what it asked of you by the army. Having
loyality to the people you serve and the people you serve with. Having their back because when you show them you care about them youll probably
get the same type of loyality in return. Also duty plays a huge role in professionalism. Doing all assigned tasks the right way and not
cutting corners to just get done so you can go do something else. Respect is a major part of professionalism treting your higher ups with