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Compare and Contrast Two Type of Body Modification

Essay by   •  April 17, 2012  •  Essay  •  673 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,819 Views

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Today I would like to discuss the reason why people choose to Exercise or having Plastic Surgery. Many people may want to start an exercise program or having plastic surgery, to make them selves look, or feel fabulous and improve their health. What ever choice they make, they must first consult with their doctor, to ensure that they are able to perform the exercise and manage the change in life style. Either choice will make a difference and is a good source of staying healthy, feeling better, and looking fabulous. Equally Exercise or Plastic Surgery require planning, a change in your diet, times and dates you will be considering for either choice, or the amount of money you are willing to spend. I believe and support both Exercise and Plastic Surgery, because it is a conscious decision in maintaining a healthier life style, and the end result is self-gratification.

My first discussion will be about Exercise, before you begin it is best recommended that you consult your decision with your doctor. Talking with your doctor can help narrow down which program is best for you and your life style and get some important information on your diet. Because there are many exercise programs to choose form, you will need to choose the best option to fit you life style, making it fun will help you stick with your program you have chosen. You can choose from Weight training, Yoga, and Body Toning, etc... You can start with a 15 min. a day work out or if you are going to work out three times a week. Another decision you will need to make is how much you are willing to invest, whether a home Gym or joining a Gym. In addition you also must take a good look and your diet nutrition plan to be successful. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetable, staying away form fried and fast food and drinking plenty of water, and plenty of rest will help you get better results.

My second discussion will be about Plastic Surgery, just like before your doctor will need to be involved, He or She can recommend a good Plastic Surgeon that will walk you through the process. Whether, you are willing to modifying your breast, waist, or stomach. Again your diet and nutrition will need to change to help you keep and maintain this healthy new life style.

In my third discussion, I would like to compare the difference between Exercise and Plastic Surgery. First let's recap on exercising; consulting with your doctor is this highly recommended and planning for this process to be an addition as part of your new life style. How much you are willing to invest in a home gym or a gym membership. A home gym can run you anywhere form $500 - $1,000 if you buy use equipment. Check your local News Paper for garage sales, or check the internet, there you can get some great buys on many website like CraigList.com. New equipment can run anywhere from $1,000 to $3,000. Joining a Gym can cost you anywhere from $400 to $600 a year. Now lets recap on Plastic Surgery, again consulting



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