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Democracy and How Speech Class Builds Democratic Character

Essay by   •  August 10, 2011  •  Essay  •  674 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,906 Views

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"Democracy... is a charming form of government, full of variety and disorder; and dispensing

sort of equality to equals and unequals alike." by Plato is a great way of showing how democracy is a complex, yet equally important way to live life. According to the Oxford Dictionaries, a Democracy is a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives. It's origins come from the Ancient Greeks, such as the Philosopher Plato who created the term to suggest a "a system ruled by the governed". Democracy is Government by the people for the people and no one gets left behind and can say what they feel is right for the greater good. The best way to really see the greatness in democracy is to compare it with a completely different form of government such as a dictatorship.

A democracy for example offers the benefits of freedom or speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of religion/ worship. It allows for pretty much mostly freedom and everyone is equal under law no matter who you are. Sure democracy isn't perfect. Ignorant voters and brainwashing public opinion are some of the issues at hand for democracy, but they can be fixed. However, in a dictatorship the opposite of everything you enjoy and take for granted here in the states is completely absent. In a dictatorship for of government the Government is ruled by a single-party or by one person alone.

Many times this person rules with an iron fist. Freedom of speech, freedom of religion/ worship, and freedom of the press are practically nonexistent and banned entirely with harsh punishment for suspected participants. Individuality, which is a backbone of culture is heavily discouraged and made to have everyone believe in one thing and one thing only, to serve the Government. But in all fairness, with all of these cons showing a dictatorship in a bad light, it does have it pros. A dictatorship runs more efficiently, but that's just because no one else is running the government. A dictatorship is also one of the least expensive governments to run, that again because it's only run by own person alone most of the time and does not need several representatives common in a democracy.

Speech class and speech in general, is one of the most magnificent tools anyone can use to suit their needs in a democracy. Speech and democracy go hand in hand to help citizens stand up and take a position on and issue and voice your concern. Speech teaches not only students but other citizens as well, to do many actions that benefit the democratic process such ass wise voting, improving your methods of communication, such as propaganda to get your point across and valuing clear thinking and speaking. With the development of verbal skills and the presentation of brilliant situations and attitudes, speech can direct people to the right choice for their



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