Demonstrative Communication
Essay by jessen02 • December 2, 2012 • Essay • 535 Words (3 Pages) • 1,601 Views
Demonstrative Communications
Demonstrative Communication plays an important role in how we communicate and how we get our point across. Demonstrative communication includes nonverbal and unwritten communication and involves such things as facial expressions, tone of voice, body language and, and so forth (Course Syllabus, 2012) . Although this style of communication is nonverbal, it will give off many messages for the receiver to understand.
The biggest part of demonstrative communication is made through your body language. The way you look at someone, make eye contact, or just stare off in to space is a form of body language. The way you dress, the way you make gestures, and the tone of your voice are also a form of demonstrative communication. Even though you are communicating to someone without saying a word to them through these action, it can present some problems.
Demonstrative communication can only be effective if the receiver understands the message that the sender is attempting to send. To successfully communicate to your audience nonverbally, it is important to maintain eye contact with your audience at all times. Let them know that you are paying attention to them and you can tell if they are paying attention to you also. By looking around you will be able to tell how your audience is feeling as well as seeing if you are connecting with them. . If you use a good tone of voice and do not speak monotone, you will have a better chance of keeping your audiences attention and connecting with them. If you use positive body language such as standing up right, smiling, and making them notice that you are enjoying yourself, you will maintain effective communication. To be successful in demonstrative communication your listener should completely understand you.
Communication can also become ineffective also. When the receiver does not understand your body language, this presents a problem. Once you are not understood you do not have full attention of your audience. Another way that your communication could be ineffective is if both parties are doing more talking than listening. When this happens nobody is paying attention to the demonstrative communication, they are paying attention to getting their own point out. Effective communication is when the sender, sends a message, and the receiver receives it, understanding what the message was.
To make sure that you are not ineffective at nonverbal skills, study your own body language and see what you think about your skills.
Demonstrative communication has both a positive and a negative effect when used properly. If you going into a job interview and you are well dressed, this is a positive effect of demonstrative communication. You did not even have to say a word for the person interviewing you to impress them. If they can tell that you are confident in your words and in your gestures,