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Diversity in the Workplace

Essay by   •  December 17, 2011  •  Essay  •  428 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,372 Views

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Lynnette Morelock Week 2, Individual Work#1

In society, back then more than now, there are many issues of diversity in

the workplace. This tends to happen when cultures and values clash, and in result

conflict occurs between employees/employers. Diversity can include, age, ethnicity,

gender, religion, sexual orientation and sexual class.

For example, many women believe they are being discriminated against in the

workplace because they possess the same skills and traits as men, but not being payed

the same or eligible for promotion. This was an example of white collar jobs, which are

jobs such as plumbers, construction worker, masonry, etc. They thought they were

being neglected from promotion to a professional rank or executive. Women want to

achieve professional, legal, and educational equality as men. This is able to happen

today as a result of the Women's Movement. Although this movement accomplished

many things, it especially helped woman today to be able get paid the same as men.

Also known as, equal pay for equal work. Women are now able to achieve success in

the workplace.

Another issue can be pay gaps between whites and minorities. It is said that

"minorities", (people that are members from various ethnic and racial groups) are getting

payed less than whites because they make up a minority of the population. Whites

assume that because they are minorities, most likely they have little or no education and

can not posses the same trade skills as them, and that minority concentrated jobs are

"bad". This makes whites not want to work at a job that employs minorities because

they think the pay will be lower. This assumption between whites and minorities has

resulted in occupations to become focused on educational opportunity, equal

employment opportunity, along with affirmative action. More and more companies are

promoting diverse training in the workplace due to realizing that having a dominant

culture is not



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