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Explain the Relationship Between Discipline and Obedience from the Montessori Perspective. Explain How Discipline and Obedience Are Linked to the Development of the Will

Essay by   •  December 26, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,009 Words (5 Pages)  •  3,789 Views

Essay Preview: Explain the Relationship Between Discipline and Obedience from the Montessori Perspective. Explain How Discipline and Obedience Are Linked to the Development of the Will

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The present document will focus on the relationship between discipline and obedience according with Montessori's philosophy. I will explain to how discipline and obedience play a vital role in the development of a child and how both these are linked or connected to the development of the will.

First, current definitions of the terms discipline and obedience will be discussed and will be compared with Montessori's interpretation of these concepts. The influence of favourable environment in the development of the will and in discipline will be explained. Following there will be explained how the maturational develop of discipline is linked to the development of the will. Then there will be a consideration in how these aspects of development are the foundation of the development of obedience. I will then describe the there levels of obedience linking the first two relevantly to the spiritual and social embryonic stages of the absorbent mind.

Finally I will conclude my argument by summarising the main ideas of this essay.

The term DISCIPLINE is often define in the dictionary by "training to act in accordance with rules; drill; punishment inflicted by way of correction and training; behaviour in accord with rules of conduct;" This term is still very associated with punishment in your society. We say a child needs "discipline" when they are miss behaving and we think parents or teachers need to punish him. Discipline it's imposed by external factors and maintained by fear of repercussions or punishment. I consider this type of forced discipline to be ineffective. It may appear to be effective from the outside but is not maintained in a long term. The child may act submissive to play by the rules, either be rewarded for this or to be punished for doing the opposite.

The term OBEDIENCE is define by "the quality or condition of being obedient; The act of obeying".

DISCIPLINE presupposes a certain degree of obedience. In order to obey, the child must not only wish, but also be able to obey. When the teacher gives an order, he expects the child to obey. To obey the child must know what is accepted from her and must be able to perform according. Nowadays we expect the children to obey rules we did not explain to them and to obey rules they do not have maturating to follow.

Montessori considered "OBEDIENCE" to be the fundamental secret of everything. Obedience is considered to be developing in the child in much the same way as other aspects of his character. In the beginning it is dictated purely by the hormic impulse, then it rises to the level of consciousness and goes on developing, stage by stage until it comes under the control of the conscious will. At this stage the will and the child's self-interest are working in conjunction. .

Discipline from within is self discipline so in a Montessori class room the discipline should



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