Home-Schooling Versus Public/private Schools
Essay by people • January 6, 2012 • Essay • 1,465 Words (6 Pages) • 1,868 Views
Home-Schooling versus Public/Private Schools
Home schooling has become more popular, in 1984, there were 100,000 students attending home school, which has grown to approximately 2 million students in 2011. Home schooling has become more widely used because parents are considering the possibility of home schooling as a form education for K-12. There are three points that parents should consider when making a decision about schooling: 1) There are those that believe that home schooling is better for their children; 2) Some people think that public schools is the best way, 3) there are parents that think a private school is better than home schooling or public school. Even though there are differences between home schooling and traditional forms of education, they all provide quality education to students.
People choose to home school their children for many reasons. One reason that parents choose home school is that they believe it gives more one-on-one help than overcrowded classrooms. Overcrowded classrooms deprive students that need one-on-one help they may need. Home schooling has more of a flexible schedule when planning the day's work. Teachers in public and private schools are busy trying to teach what the state requires during the school year. Students that need one-on-one help are overlooked. Some people believe that home schooled children are socially deprived because they don't receive the chance to participate in the extra curriculum activities, but home schooled children are now allowed to play sports with public and private schools. Claudia Hepburn, a Director of Education Policies at Fraser Institute, says "research shows that home schooled students are actually better socialized then their peers." There are many other reasons for home schooling. Some people may home schooling their children because of religious reasons or family reasons. It is believed that home schooled children become better citizens. Children in home school seem to have a better character and a higher self esteem. With all the research that has been done on home schooling it shows that students learn to be more caring because they see how people care for them. Another thing that is a big advantage to home schooling is flexibility. Home schooling has such a flexible schedule where public and private schools don't have that flexibility. Teachers in a home school setting whether it is the parent or another home school parent can take his or her children shopping and turn it into a math assignment. There are so many things you can do as a home schooled child that can be turned into a lesson, for example going to a historic site as part of a history lesson, taking a trip to the planetariums or a aquarium for a science lesson. Home schooling has such a flexible schedule where public and private schools don't have that flexibility.
Some people disagree with traditional ways of teaching because they don't believe in the ways teachers have to teach or they feel that the teacher is too busy disciplining students with behavioral problems. With today's economy, public, and private schools, have abandoned their mission. A communications professor named Luigi Manca from the Benedictine states that "they have forgotten about educating." Nowadays families that have two incomes don't have time to volunteer at schools to make them work. Amy Langley from Decatur, Georgia, believes in this theory and chose to home school her children. Some people believe that the pros outweigh all the cons. Some people still believe that nothing is better than public education
Parents that went to traditional schools never let it cross their minds to send their children somewhere different. People send their children to public schools because it cost less. With private school there is a tuition charged. Home schooling has all the materials and lessons to buy. Both of these would cost more money than supporting the Parent Teacher Association. Parents believe that the public schools are making changes in the way they are teaching to provide more challenging curriculum. This means that students are sent home with piles of homework. They also put more tests in the classroom. According to a survey conducted back in 1997, parents say higher standards are enforced in private schools. There have been surveys done