Hrm 300 Week 4 - Employee Training and Career Development
Essay by heatcav • May 22, 2016 • Research Paper • 1,188 Words (5 Pages) • 1,708 Views
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Employee Training and Career Development
Why train new and current employees? There are many reasons to invest in training and development of employees. Companies invest for personal success, consistency, confidence, efficiency, morale and productivity, just to name a few. Letting your employees know that you value them and want to see them succeed in their career will let them know that you are invested in their success.
Role of training in an organizations development
Companies that invest in their employees have employees that are invested in the company they represent. Training will help recognize employees who have weaknesses and help them improve by giving them confidence and consistency on procedures and expectations. Having employees that have the similar knowledge, and are able to cover for one another will boost morale and allows for less supervision and for increased productivity, giving employees confidence in the job they’re performing. Allowing employees to benefit through competitiveness in the future pushes them to work hard and see their personal success grow and become a more productive asset to the company.
The development of employees can be achieved on many different levels of training. Employees should be given guidelines, checklists and policies so they know their role in the organization. Development focuses on the employees’ role in the organization for future advancements and successes. Having strong mentors and trained trainers adds to the overall success of the new employee and commitment to the company of employment.
Many different methods are utilized for development in a company.
• On-The Job Training-a very common method of employee development. This allows the trainee to work along-side another employee in the actual job role Having a hands on approach and being able to visualize a day in the role they are about to take over benefits the employee.
• Job Rotation-this role of development allows the employee to be exposed to how each department runs and how they are intertwined to make the company run efficiently. The employee can have confidence to take on another role within the company, fill in for another team member and they are able to gain experience in the next step of their goals within the company.
• Assistant-To-Positions-allowing the employee to work with mentors within different roles in the company. Allowing the employee to perform different duties in the company to expand their knowledge. Allowing an employee to participate in many aspects of the company, will enhance their ability to take on the duties to move into a higher role.
• Committee Assignment-this role of development allows the employee to be involved on decision-making, shadowing employees, and to assist in organization problems. Allowing this type of development provides opportunities to grow and have constructive feedback from supervisors.
• Lecture Courses and Seminars-using this type of development helps with awareness and will assist with conclusive abilities. Giving employees this type of development allows for more freedom to learn at their own pace and location.
• Simulations-real problems without the sometimes fatal and catastrophic results that are faced while on the job. Simulations allow employees to be face to face with real situations and give them the opportunity to rectify any corrections they deem necessary. “ Create an environment “
• Adventure Training-encouraging teamwork and the importance of working together. Using this development will allow employers to see how employees react to situations that are beyond their control.
A positive relationship between an employee development and organizational development are critical to a company’s success. For a business to grow and develop, the entire work force must advance. The development is the resources the employer provides to employees. Using it as a means to grow the employees’ knowledge and skills, employee development leads to improved efficiency and makes the