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Led Zeppelin - Amazing Band

Essay by   •  May 18, 2011  •  Essay  •  511 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,820 Views

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Led Zeppelin. What an amazing band. With such beautiful guitar solos and astonishing vocals, it seems pretty obvious to me why they're one of the greatest bands in rock and roll history. They were my introduction to rock music. They're also why I decided to learn guitar. For me, Led Zeppelin represents a lot. Not only are they one of my favorite bands, but really, they set me on the path to finding myself.

I remember when I was fourteen and a self conscious freshman. I'd walk through the halls with a slouch comparable to that of the hunchback of notre dame. I was quiet and kept to myself. But it was even before this that their music helped me out. From my last few months as a thirteen year old in eighth grade and into freshman year, I was going through a lot of problems, in nearly every aspect of my life. And they only got worse as I went through my sophomore year. I was filled with so much rage and anxiety, and strangely, Led Zeppelin mellowed me out.

The riffs in their hardest rock songs sounded like battles between good and evil, and their more laid back melodic folk songs sounded like sheer bliss. Their music represented all aspects of my life, weening down the anger, and bringing forth a more relaxed human being. I feel like their music in a sense reflected who I was, and also who I am. There's just so much excitement in some of their songs, so much energy as if each measure of music were about to burst, unable to contain all of it. And that's how I feel sometimes, just incredibly excited about whatever is I'm talking about, or whatever I'm doing, ready for more and unwilling to settle for less.

Ever since I found out about them, it's been non-stop music for me. I play guitar nearly every day because I can't get enough of it. I used to emulate other guitarists and try to be like them, but now I just try to improvise as much as I can. I'll normally start out by just messing around with a few chords and end up moving all over the neck, going along and making things up on the spot, and trying not to stop the flow. I think when you improvise in music, it's one of the most sincere things you can do, because you're not really copying anyone and whatever emotions you're feeling at the time just seem to bleed right through. I feel as though that style of playing is also representative of whom I really am: honest, creative, and something because three things sounds much better than two.

Music is my passion. Every day I listen to a couple hours of music. I'm always looking for new artists and trying to find the strangest sounding music there is. When I look back on my life, its hard to imagine it without music. Led Zeppelin first, gave me confidence and led me onto the way of becoming the outspoken,



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