Life Case
Essay by cdm4444 • March 30, 2013 • Essay • 371 Words (2 Pages) • 1,242 Views
Journal #2 Chris McCoy
In my daily life I have experienced all of the common tendencies in perception like most people. The most common tendency for me would be judging myself more charitably than others. One experience I had with this was at work when I was taking a customer's order and misheard their name, which resulted in the customer not getting their food late. I yelled for the customer for a long time until I found out I got his name wrong, I my thought was that the people was speaking to low and not the fact that I wasn't listening very well. Snap judgments are also a big problem with me. When I see any random guy on the street with wore down clothes and hat and polo I think douche bag or prick without actually listening or learning about them first. I started to think like this more and more when I worked late nights at my job with drunken people, seeing that tendency make me stereotype a whole group of people by only a few.
Being influenced by expectations happen a lot for me when I listen to my friend about reviews on movies and classes ,but out of all the tendencies this one I'm least effected by I always like to try and judge things myself before I make decisions. Being influenced by the obvious is also a common one for me as I find myself seeing a obvious problem with one of my friends relationship that my friend can't , but I haven't taken into account the point of view of my friend. This problem also comes from the fact that I assume that since I can see the problem that everybody can, must people do but not everybody. In one incident I got in argue over a personal affair of a friend with another friend of mine and I make that I thought was a small comment , but was thought of as a big comment to my friend which make us part ways for a little bit . if I would of use perception checking in the situation I could have calmly analyzed the mood and made a better sound judgment on the matter.