Managing Diversity
Essay by people • July 30, 2011 • Case Study • 2,475 Words (10 Pages) • 1,967 Views
Managing Diversity
In today's highly competitive society, managers are challenged to do all that is within their power to gain the advantage for their organization. They are diligently seeking out the brightest and most talented candidates. They are also using new and innovative techniques to draw and to develop diverse and unique talent. Many organizations are diligently striving to exceed the minimum Equal Employment Opportunity standards, especially to avoid costly, damaging discrimination lawsuits. These managers realize that in order to attract the best, you must be willing to offer the best. Employers must take a proactive stance. One such organization, doing just that, is The U.S Nuclear Regulatory Committee.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Committee, or the NRC, was an agency created in 1974 by Congress. This agency was established to find ways for our nation to use radioactive materials in beneficial ways while ensuring health and safety for people and the environment and maintaining national security. The NRC's main purpose and function is to regulate nuclear power plants and the use of nuclear materials through licensing, inspecting and enforcing their requirements. The NRC monitors electrical power generated from commercial reactors and analyzes reactors for research, testing, and training purposes. They also regulate the uses of nuclear materials in medical, industrial, and academic settings and facilities that produce nuclear fuel. The NRC is additionally responsible for the transportation, storage, and disposal of nuclear materials and waste, and for the decommissioning of nuclear facilities that will no longer be used.
Within the NRC there are many positions ranging from scientists, engineers, attorneys, accountants, IT staff, and inspectors, just to name a few. Being an Equal Opportunity Employer, the NRC considers all candidates for positions and career development without discrimination. The NRC's Affirmative Employment Plan supports four guiding principles in order to achieve and maintain equal employment and a broadly diverse staff. The first principle is to create a work environment that is free of discrimination and harassment, and accessible to individuals with disabilities. The second principle is to guarantee that agency policies, processes, and procedures afford all employees the opportunity to take part in mission accomplishments and to compete fairly and equitably for career development and advancement. The third principle is to maintain a competent and highly skilled workforce that represents of all levels of America's diversity, and to enable employees to accomplish the agency's mission by providing them with the necessary support and tools in a positive work environment. The fourth principle is to recognize, appreciate, and value diversity, with the purpose of demonstrating trust, respect, and concern for the welfare of all employees within the agency.
As stated in the textbook, Contemporary Management, "top management's commitment to diversity is crucial for the success of any diversity plan. Top managers need to develop the correct ethical values, and performance or business-oriented attitudes that allow them to make appropriate use of their human resources." At the NRC, they understand that in order to effectively implement the EEO Program, the commitment, support and participation of the entire staff is required. From the executive director down to the lowest level employee, there are specifically assigned roles and responsibilities for each group within the agency. Those in leadership are expected to provide and manage the necessary resources, and hold accountable those responsible for implementing the program policies. They are also required to attend EEO and diversity management training to gain a clear understanding of EEO regulations, concepts, and policies in order to enhance management skills and to promote teamwork and diversity by respecting and encouraging different perspectives. The Office of Small Business and Civil Rights (SBCR) is the agency's lead office over all EEO, affirmative employment, and managing diversity initiatives. This group facilitates, monitors, and evaluates the progress of the NRC in accomplishing the plan goals and objectives. They also analyze demographic data to enable them to recommend initiatives and innovative strategies for achieving those objectives. The HR office provides inclusive, extensive recruiting, enriching training and development, and necessary technical assistance to implement the program. Also, NRC employees are expected to work together with NRC management and their peers in order to carry out the goals and objectives of the plan. Along with attending training, employees are encouraged to meet with their supervisors the develop career plans and paths for their advancement within the organization. They are also strongly urged to discuss and seek resolutions to issues and concerns especially pertaining to discrimination for mutually beneficial outcomes for employees, management, and the Agency mission. EEO Counselors work to informally resolve, at the lowest organizational level possible, employee and applicant issues and allegations regarding discrimination.
There are also EEO Advisory Committees, each made up of employee groups representing their own segment of the population who identify practices or issues that could conflict with the equal opportunity objectives. These committees also provide recommendations and other pertinent input on workplace discrimination and other concerns specific to their constituency. There are currently six of these committees. These include the Advisory Committee for African-Americans, the Advisory Committee for Asian Pacific Americans, the Committee on Age Discrimination, the Federal Women's Program Advisory Committee, the Advisory Committee for Hispanic-Americans Employment Program, and the Native American Advisory Committee. These groups advise the Executive Director and the SBRC Office regarding policies, procedures, and practices related to applicant selection and career development for NRC employees.
Between the headquarters in Maryland and the four regional offices, in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Georgia, and Texas, the NRC has approximately 3000 employees. As indicated on their website, they take great pride in the organization's workforce diversity in gender, ethnicity, occupation, ability, and age range. According to their posted statistics, the agency's workforce is 38% female and 62% male. The percentage of workers under the age of 40 is 19% and 21% are workers over the age of 55. The ethnic and racial demographics are: African-American-13%; Asian Pacific American-7%; Hispanic-3%; Native American-less than 1%; and white-77%. According to our Contemporary