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Mgmt 5610: Applied Professional Business Communications

Essay by   •  September 24, 2017  •  Article Review  •  2,131 Words (9 Pages)  •  1,307 Views

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MGMT5610: Applied Professional Business Communications

Assignment 1, Part A: Reference List

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  STUDENT NUMBER: _____22028746___________         NAME: ________MENGQI  ZHANG___________________

Before submitting your assignment, please rate yourself by placing a cross on each scale 





Assignment Instructions

Assignment brief not followed

Assignment brief followed, but with some problems

Assignment brief followed with minor problems ❤

Assignment brief followed accurately


UWA Harvard Style

Has not used Harvard

Uses Harvard, but has made many mistakes

Uses Harvard with only minor mistakes

Uses Harvard perfectly ❤


Appropriateness of Chosen Sources

Sources are either not scholarly, current, or are inappropriate to the topic

Some sources are appropriate, but others are not scholarly, current or appropriate for the topic

All sources are scholarly, current and appropriate for the topic, showing competence in critical thinking and information literacy❤

All sources are scholarly, current and highly appropriate for the topic. In addition, the selected sources show a high level of critical thinking and information literacy skills


Understanding of Main Arguments

Does not accurately describe the main argument for each source

Explains the main argument, for each source, but the description does not go into adequate depth and/or includes many irrelevant details

Explains the main argument well for the majority of the chosen sources, showing competence in critical thinking and information literacy

Clearly and thoughtfully explains the main argument for all the chosen sources, displaying excellent critical thinking skills and information literacy ❤


Understanding of Potential Relevance for Report

Does not explain the relevance of each source and how it will relate to their research report

Explains the relevance of each source, but the description does not go into adequate depth and/or includes many irrelevant details

Explains the relevance for the majority of sources well, and how each relates to their research report ❤

Thoughtfully reflects on the chosen sources, showing clearly and expertly how they will be used in their research report


English Expression

Written English is unclear, containing many mistakes

Written English is clear, but includes many grammatical mistakes or informal phrasing

Written English is clear, but includes some grammatical mistakes or informal phrasing❤

Written English is formal, clear, sophisticated and virtually error-free



I think I do good in UWA Harvard style, understanding of arguments and appropriateness of chosen source. I feel my assignment instruction could be abundant and my English expression can be enhanced. Also, I will make my understanding of potential relevance for the report become better.  


MGMT5610: Applied Professional Business Communications

Research and Writing Assignment: Part 1

Section 1: Refining your research topic

My chosen course of study or ultimate career goal is to illustrate that communication is so highly regarded and it becomes a fundamental requirement of all employers and university graduates.

The example or key issue I am planning to focus on in my research report is the goals, the  effects, the significance of the communication and the relations between communication and business activities.

Section 2: Six scholarly sources you plan to include 

Reference (1)

Pearson, J & Nelson, P 2000, An introduction to human communication: understanding and sharing, McGraw-Hill, Boston.

Summary of main argument

Communication can be defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning.Communication can influence how you learn. People may receive suggestions for improvement and clarification from speakers and writers more experienced than themselves. The communication including interpersonal communication, small group discussion, public speaking, and mass media evaluation plays the significant roles in the social activity. Communication also helps in socializing. It is also said that one cannot survive without communication. Communication is the key to personal or organizational success—in relationships, in the workplace, as a citizen of your country, and across the lifetime. Person's ability to communicate comes from experience which can be an effective teacher. Moreover, communication could find more chances in the globalization which provides more challenges.



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