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Military Recruitment

Essay by   •  July 19, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,382 Words (6 Pages)  •  1,930 Views

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Military Recruitment

In this era where joining the military is voluntary, it becomes crucial for the military to come up with new ideas to interest high school seniors to enlist. The military invests a lot of money on military recruitment alone, about 2.6 billion (Savage pg227). The question that comes up a lot is, are kid old enough to join the military? Are they being targeted based on race, age and economic status? What are the benefits for joining the military? The military devotes a lot of time on strategizing new plans to fulfill their yearly quota which falls short every year. It is unclear what side is correct, either for the military or against. Although military recruiters target vulnerable high school kids, they are offered many benefits.

? Are high school kids vulnerable to military recruitment? It seems so as supported by David Walsh a psychologist who has written a book about the impact on the adolescent brain. He says," the teenage mind is not fully developed yet" (Savage pg228). A tampered mind at this age is capable of being blinded from the world. This makes the person vulnerable to military recruiters. If the mind is not fully developed then why do they let recruiters manipulate these kids? A military recruiter is like the media of the army, brainwashing kids that the army is the best place in the world. Even thought kids can think for them self they are often influenced by their classmates too. "An aggressive sales pitch can sway their decision- especially if the recruiter knows how to get coaches, counselors, and popular students to endorse enlisting" (Savage pg229).Everybody wants to be like the cool kid and they might follow his footsteps. Even if he doesn't joins the military they will influence many kids will join to. This is a big concern to parents because they do not have full control over their child's future. It's not until you're older than you tend to not want to fit in and follow trends. To be vulnerable it depends on what type education you receive and race."It's a known fact that the poor, which unfortunately, minorities make up the large percentage" (Horner pg256). It is true the poor are mostly minorities. The military targets the poor because they have something that will interest them and that's money. If you aren't able to support yourself this is when the military becomes a good choice and this is when recruiters take advantage of the situation.

In other hand high school kids are smart enough to make their own decisions. "Military recruiters waited patiently at their booths. They did not target vulnerable students only those who approach them and were interested in finding out more information such as myself" (McClearly pg255). If you want to talk to a recruiter you have to go to him because they won't come to you. High school kids are not vulnerable, they can choose to talk to a recruiter and join the military. Student don't walk around with a target, it's a student choice. "Copland writes that students are vulnerable like we are too stupid to make decisions for ourselves" (McClearly pg256). Just because students are young that doesn't mean they can't decide between right or wrong. Kids are old enough to choose what their decisions in life are. Some might need a little help but most understand the concept. The term vulnerability should be changed to targetable because kids can choose. They aren't vulnerable they are just targeted because of their age, race, and economic status. "And to dispel Copland's myth that poor and minorities students continue to be targeted by the military, Edmonds Woodway, which some might peg affluent, non-minority school, had heavy recruitment, just like any other public school"(pg256) Everyone is being targeted despite there race but they are all still in high school. Although race is not the case here, age is. This leads to the main question are kid "vulnerable"?

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