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Music Case

Essay by   •  December 15, 2011  •  Essay  •  1,118 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,613 Views

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Some of you may not see me as the type of person that would be one of those hardcore, music obsessed freaks that revolve their lives around trying to find the most amazing, epic music the world has ever known. Well, believe it or not, I am one of those people. I eat, sleep, and breathe music. If music is not in my ears twenty-four seven, I go crazy and I don't know what to do with myself. Now imagine this scenario: you're stuck on a desert island and you have to bring one item with you. What do you bring? Your cell phone? No. Food? No. A best friend or family member? No thanks. I would, without a doubt, bring my magnificent purple iPod nano. I have 1500 tracks of the best music in the universe. Not one song on my iPod could be considered bad. But one genre you'll never find on my iPod is country. Ugh, I can't even say that word without wanting to vomit. I will listen to just about any other music anyone introduces to me to, but if it's country I will immediately turn them down. All country music really is, is just random hillbillies and rednecks singing about how their wife left them because they were drunk or how they took a ride on their horse named Chester or rode a tractor through the farm and down to the rodeo. Really? Come on now. As for anything else, bring on the funk!

Another reason why I might be so music obsessed is because I've been playing the piano since I was in first grade. I don't even think of myself as that good, but I'll always love it. Recently, I've wanted to expand my musical abilities to other instruments. My family actually just got a new acoustic guitar for Christmas (thanks, Santa) and I've been trying to teach myself some stuff. It's an amazing instrument, but it takes a lot of practice and I am not used to it yet but I will keep at it. So, as some of you know, it has always been my dream to play the drums. You don't often see a really talented girl drummer, now do you? That is one of the many reasons it is my dream. Also, I just love the drums. There's so many different beats and ways to let out your emotions. I feel that I would be a natural born drummer, not to get conceited or anything. I can pick up a drumbeat during the first ten seconds of a song and just start to jam; it's the best. If I had my own drum set, I would never leave it alone. But my parents are not the drumming type. "Too much noise" is what they say. I ask them if they're insane because they obviously don't know the magic of drums. They are cool but they are oldies. I'll get through to them someday...

You're all probably wondering, "Well, if she's such a music fanatic, what is her favorite genre?". Let me just say, I don't have a favorite genre. I'll listen to just about anything, except *shivers* country, like I said before. I like Alternative, Rock, Hip-hop, Rap, Jazz, Blues, Dance, Electronic, Heavy Metal (yes, I said it, head banger) anything! I love finding



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