Organisational Behaviour
Essay by charlyM • November 6, 2011 • Research Paper • 2,103 Words (9 Pages) • 1,839 Views
Organisational Behaviour
The process of preparing and delivering my group presentation
Personal Journal on group work and Organisational
The process of preparing and delivering my group presentation
"Organisational behaviour is a term applied to the systematic study of behaviour of individuals within work groups, including an analysis of the nature of group, the development of structures between and within work groups, and the process of implementing change."
The aim of this unit was to introduce us to the importance and relevance of social and psychological dynamics that exist within the work place and to develop my understanding of the realities of organizational life, within a business environment. This was done through group presentations and looking at different theories within organizational culture. My presentation group consisted of 7 members including myself, the other members were: Bilal, Sara, Lutaaya(Edward), Rezaul, Matylda and Elvan. Our group presentation topic was Organizational Culture. Our group was put together randomly by our seminar teacher on 11/10/10. The preparation to our presentation went through several stages, which reflect Tuckman and Jensens model of Group development. Although we had to learn how to adjust to each other's difference, I believe our team managed to work together to provide an informative and well-rounded presentation.
Individual Differences and Perception
Perception is the way we use our thought process to organize and interpret information to make sense of and giving meaning to our environment or an individual. Mullins goes as far to say 'Perception is the root of all organational behaviour; any situation can be analyzed in terms of its perceptual connotations'. The perception we had of each was apparent from the begin.
"In class, as a group we were told to get to know each others personalities, family background and collect contact details.
We were also given a short task or nature and nurture. All our views seemed to be varied. We also discussed whether we found each personalities X or Y. Which was rather interesting, as we had only just met."
Due in this task the perception we had of each other became very apparent, although we all shared a common belief that if we were to employ someone it would be Y, but this change depending on the job and industry. Elvan immediately pointed out that she believed everyone in our group except for herself and I were according to McGregor's' theory were personality type X; This theory is also referred to as the authoritarian management style. Elvan made it clear she believed she was personality type Y that can also be referred to as the participative management style, however as the group developed she seemed to portray personality type X. My perception of her was already negative because of pervious comments she had made whist giving our backgrounds on each other. Although as a group we all shared a common belief that if we were to employ someone it would be personality type Y, but this could change depending on the job and industry.
"Getting to know the group was an interesting experience, everyone seemed cool, however one member Elvan made a comment about me being a mother, which, I wasn't very keen on and found completely out of order stating, "her parents wouldn't approve my having a child so young, if she was me ". I don't remember asking her approve of anything! Then she later asked how old I was, acting totally surprised that I am 24, she said "WOW I thought you were much younger" but did she take her pervious statement back NO! Getting to know everyone, it seems there might be a personality clash between us already. But I decided not to say anything and put it down to the fact she is young and been brought up differently to me."
I had interpreted what she had said as negative and maybe this was the root of our constant clashing within the group. I also did not like the way she was quick to personality type the others, I believe she was judging on their personality being quieter than ours, rather than the information they had given us and therefore knew they wouldn't question what she was saying. It became obvious there would be two dominant personalities within the group Elvan and myself, this was until 18/10/2010.
"We gained a new member today, her name is Matylda and she is from Poland. She seems really open minded and also lives too not to far, which I thought will make it easier for group meetings."
Matyda also has a very dominant personality there were now 3 leaders in our group, ad 4 passive members. This seem to me a problem to Elvan as she seemed to retract herself from the group, always having an excuse to not to be and the meetings and constantly 'Losing her work' or research she had supposedly done.
Action as well as words plays a key part on someone's perception of you and I believe we are constantly thinking of the perception we portray among our peers and colleges. Reading through my journal I realize I wrote about my perception euphoniously, 'I was worried about what the rest of my group would think...'
The Transactional Analysis (TA) theory (Eric Berne, 1966) explains the dynamics of interpersonal communication, encompasses personity, perception and communication, the are two under lying assumptions of TA, first being the re- occurring memory, were feeling and events are store and we can replay them in our minds over and over again. The second is the '3' ego states these are: Child ego state, Adult ego sate and the Parent ego state. Berne also believes that communication within groups and organizations works better when the member share an adult ego state. As logical reasoning is shared. I strong agree with this theory. I believe if the perception of someone or an environment is negative this sticks with you more and when encounter with that situation again, the negative memory replies n your mind. Like with myself and Elvan, I managed to communicate and work with her, so our group was able to give a good presentation although in my mind was always the negative comment she made towards my personal life.