Essay by people • August 1, 2011 • Essay • 435 Words (2 Pages) • 1,657 Views
So many people do things that aren't right just to be accepted in other's eyes. We see this happen often in parenting. Parents trying to be cool in their own kid's eyes lead them to jeopardize that child's future. The truth is that parents are not strict enough with their kids. I speak from experience; lack of discipline can be seen in my family and in my friends.
Not being strict enough as a parent is something commonly seen in my aunts immediate family. She believes that it is more important to be a cool parent than discipline her kids. According to a research conducted at FIU's (Florida International University) Psychology Department, 6 out of 10 Americans believe it is more fundamental to be a cool parent than discipline their children when they disobey. My aunt, unfortunately, is among the many parents that develop this style of parenting. This parenting style is referred to as permissive parenting.
What are the consequences of developing this poor parenting style? Disastrous. Many kids fail to achieve a high level of success due to no set standards or moral values, which are key to achieve success. Some good examples of poor parenting due to lack of strictness can be seen in some of my friend's parents, particularly in john's parents. John is a friend of mine that is someone who struggles though life due to alcoholism, disrespectful and offensive personality traits, and ignorance. Many of these bad qualities are due to lack of structure and discipline given by his parents. My friend's parents are permissive parents. Discipline for their child was not necessary because the focus was maintaining cool parent status.
Like mentioned earlier, most parents have a permissive style of parenting. Getting educated on the matter is the solution to this bad parenting style that lacks of strictness. In my case, I was a firm believer of this way of parenting at one point of my life. I developed this believe because I feared rejection or lack of appreciation in the future from my child. The truth is that children will more than often appreciate their parents more than their parents would imagine. Caring of the well-being of a person for 18+ years never goes unnoticed.
All in all, our kids are what mean most to us. Their health, their happiness and their success are things that should matter to most parents. This is why it is important to be strict enough with your kids to where there future is not at stake. Take my stories and learn from them so you don't make the same mistake most Americans make in parenting.