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Percings and Parents Against

Essay by   •  December 30, 2011  •  Essay  •  289 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,170 Views

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parents and saying no to teens for peircings because what they thing its means. it isnt fair or right they should at least hear us out and let us tell them why and what about it. for example tounge percing use to mean to give oral sex in the 90's but that old news. now they are just a trend and sick and cool and kids want them to expersee themselfs. that to them taht percings is there form of art its not becasue we want attention or because we dont have confidence. its because we want to take risks and have a fun teen life and express our selfs by geting percings. yes your job is to pretect us kids but our job as teens is to expercince life and learn from our mistakes. that whats the differnece from geting the peircing now to later when were 18 or 19 not matter what were going to get it. that when we are older and dont want it anymore we can take that percing out. its not like a tattoo its not there forever we can remove it whenever we want to. having a peircing in some way teach us responsbility because we have to take care of it every day properly clean and everything. because if we dont we have to leave with the side effects. and yess there are risks for getting stuff like this done. what almost everythings has risks. like any normal day for exmaple driving to work in the morining is a risk. because you could get in a car accideint and die. every single moment in life has risk but we continue on living our life each day to the next.



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