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Personal Essay - the World I Come From

Essay by   •  August 9, 2011  •  Essay  •  546 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,662 Views

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The World I Come From

The world I come from isn't something that can described effortlessly. I grew up in a middle class family, we didn't always have everything we wanted but we had everything we needed. One thing that I learned growing up with my family, is you don't have to be the richest in order to be happy. Growing up as a kid a was a real family person my whole family and relatives were always really closes and we were always there for each other . As a kid my mom and dad worked a full time day job so I dint have much time to spend with them besides dinner and the weekends. The rest of the time my grandma would baby sit me and a lot of my cousins. Although I wish I could of spent more time with my parents, I believe this scenario brought my whole family a lot closer together. The three main people of my family that shaped my world the most would be my mom, my brother and my dad.

As a kid my mom grew up with a non serious attitude toward school. School was never a serious thing for her so she decided not to finish high school. As my mom grew up she realized what a harsh world this is ,and why u need and education in order to succeed. My mom has to be my number one motive for going to college, she always pushes me and explains to me why I have to get a degree if I don't want to struggle in life. If it weren't for here I don't know where I would be right now.

Now onto my brother. My brother is my family so I love him and always will. Growing up he was basically a example of of what not to do. My brother is very smart and outgoing, hes actually really smart. The only thing about my brother is he made bad choices. He had a kid while still in high school. After high school he started to attend college but never finished , and now has a job that doesn't pay so good which makes life so he has some struggles in life. Although the choices my brother made weren't the best, they helped me by showing me what not to do and what would happen if I make the same choices.

Now onto my dad if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here right now. Even though my parents divorced when I was young he still gives me encouragement and assistance. As my brother my dad also showed me examples of choices I don't wanna repeat. If it weren't for my dad showing me and telling me what choices not to make id probably be lost right now with no idea what I am doing.

My family shaped my goals so that I wanted could get into a good college, pursue a career path I liked and make a lot of money so I can help out my parents. My family shaped who I am as a person. They shaped me to be a kind, caring, compassionate individual who doesn't care about what other people think and will do anything for those I care about



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