The Services That Customers Place Most Importance in Are Well Satisfied by Hsbc, Bangladesh.
Essay by amalmamun • January 31, 2012 • Research Paper • 9,314 Words (38 Pages) • 1,985 Views
Essay Preview: The Services That Customers Place Most Importance in Are Well Satisfied by Hsbc, Bangladesh.
The report is a requirement of the internship program for my BBA degree. The organization attachment started on May 03, 2003 and will end on November 03, 2003. My organization supervisor Ms. Zinia Amreen (Customer Services Officer, Main Office, HSBC Dhaka) assigned me the topic of my report and it is has been duly approved by my supervisor at North South University, Ms. Mobina Hasan. The reason behind choosing this topic is that, recently the CEO of HSBC Bangladesh has given emphasis on better customer service and more customer satisfaction and thus the Customer service officer wants to get an idea of the current level of customer satisfaction at HSBC.
HSBC is a global banking and financial service organization headquartered in the United Kingdom. The HSBC group's international network comprises of some 7,000 offices in 81 countries and territories. HSBC holding plc are held by around 190,000 shareholders in some 100 countries and territories. In Bangladesh, HSBC group is represented by its head office in Dhaka, a full-service branch in Chittagong and three sub-branches in Gulshan, Motijheel and Dhanmondi. HSBC is the first bank to receive the ISO9002 accreditation in Bangladesh.
General Objective: General objective is to assess the level of importance the customers of HSBC put across various service level attributes and also to determine how well HSBC was satisfying the customers on those service grounds. More specific objective is to provide information on HSBC Bangladesh, determine most important attributes of service quality, identify the most satisfied demographic segments, determine relation between complaint resolution and satisfaction etc.
1.4 Scope
The presentation of the organizational structure and policy of HSBC Bangladesh and investigating the strategies applied by it provide the scope of this report. An infrastructure of the organization has been detailed, accompanied by a global perspective and look into the future. The scope of this report is limited to the overall description of the company, its services, and its position in the industry and its marketing strategies. The scope of the study is limited to organizational setup, functions, and performances.
1.5 Hypothesis
The services that customers place most importance in are well satisfied by HSBC, Bangladesh.
1.6.1 Type of research:
In this study, exploratory research was undertaken to gain insights and understanding of the overall banking industry and also to determine some of the attributes of service quality in Banks. After that, a more comprehensive conclusive research was undertaken to fulfill the main purpose of the study.
1.6.2 Target group:
Exploratory Research:
Managers, Executives, Customers of HSBC, Bangladesh.
Conclusive Research:
Individual customers of HSBC.
1.6.3 Sources of Information:
Primary data
I have collected primary information by interviewing employees and managers of HSBC and directly communicating with the customers. I have also conducted a questionnaire survey of the customers minimizing interruptions in their banking activities. Primary data were mostly derived from the discussion with the employees & through surveys on customers of the organization. Primary information is under consideration in the following manner:
Face to face conversation with the employees
Appointment with the top officials of the Bank
By interviewing customers at HSBC, Main Office
Secondary data
I have elaborated different types of secondary data in my research. Sources of secondary information can be defined as follows:
Internal Sources
Bank's Annual Report
Group Business Principal manual
Group Instruction Manual & Business Instruction Manual
Prior research report
Any information regarding the Banking sector
External Sources
Different books and periodicals related to the banking sector
Bangladesh Bank Report
1.5.4 Study center:
I could only cover the Dhaka Main Office in my study, as I was not allowed to go out of the office to carry out my research.
1.5.5 Data collecting instruments:
In-depth interview: During the exploratory research, I conducted in-depth interviews with managers, employees & customers of HSBC
Questionnaire survey: I also designed a structured questionnaire for the customers of HSBC. This structured questionnaire was the major tool of this research project.
1.5.6 Sampling method:
I adopted simple random sampling technique during the survey of this project where customers were given copies of the questionnaire and were asked to fill them. I gave continuous support to the customers for any problems that they faced while filling up questionnaire so that the validity of the questionnaire increases. As the Simple random sampling is easily understood and results are projectable it is best suited for my study.
1.5.7 Sample size:
Exploratory Research: During this phase of the research I selected a group of 30 people. This group included 5 managers, 10 employees and 15 customers of HSBC.
Conclusive Research: In this part of the research I surveyed a total of 100 customers with the help of a structured questionnaire.
1.5.8 Data Analysis Techniques:
The data that obtained from the survey were analyzed