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Why Free Is Not Free

Essay by   •  June 9, 2011  •  Essay  •  554 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,833 Views

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i have to have an asst in in an hour and a half, i will do this latersupplies, became landlord for franchises with at least a 40% markup on lease.

Chapter 4 is sarcastically entitled "Success." It talks about the odd

combination of starting your own business while working for someone else,

that is the life of a franchisee. McDonald's Corporation owns nearly all the

restaurant buildings and the franchisee must rent from them. She/he is

required to follow strict regulations concerning every aspect of the restaurant,

such that any business creativity is regarded as disobedience and can

result in immediate eviction and the loss of the entire investment. In addition,

the franchisee is often required by the fast food company to sign a contract

waiving her/his legal right to file complaints. Despite these flaws, the

Small Business Administration grants government-backed loans to these

Book Reviews 135

franchises. When the business fails, the corporation loses nothinoration loses nothing, and

American taxpayers pay the bill.

supplies, became landlord for franchises with at least a 40% markup on lease.

Chapter 4 is sarcastically entitled "Success." It talks about the odd

combination of starting your own business while working for someone else,

that is the life of a franchisee. McDonald's Corporation owns nearly all the

restaurant buildings and the franchisee must rent from them. She/he is

required to follow strict regulations concerning every aspect of the restaurant,

such that any business creativity is regarded as disobedience and can

result in immediate eviction and the loss of the entire investment. In addition,

the franchisee is often required by the fast food company to sign a contract

waiving her/his legal right to file complaints. Despite these flaws, the

Small Business Administration grants government-backed loans to these

Book Reviews 135

franchises. When the business fails, the corporation loses nothinoration loses nothing, and




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