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Character Education

Essay by   •  December 18, 2011  •  Research Paper  •  10,380 Words (42 Pages)  •  1,829 Views

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Chapter I


I.1. Background

Indonesia requires human resources in sufficient quantity and quality as the main supporter of the development. To meet the human resources, education has a very important role.

National education aims for the development of potential learners in order to become a man of faith and piety to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible.

Based on the function and purpose of national education, it is clear that education at every level, including in schools should be organized systematically to achieve that goal. This is related to character formation of students so as to compete, ethical, moral, polite and interact with the community. Even the most successful people in the world can succeed because the more widely supported the ability of soft skills than hard skills. This suggests that the quality of education students are very important characters to be improved. Seeing the Indonesian people themselves are also very weak in the mastery of soft skills. To the authors write this paper, so that the reader knows the importance of character education for all, especially the Indonesian nation itself.

I.2. Problem of The Study

Based on the background above, the problem is going to be analyzed is :

a. What is the meaning of that character education?

b. How the importance of character education for children?

c. How does character education with the nation of civility?

d. How's efforts in improving the quality of character education?

e. How the image of the character education that have been successful?

I.3. Objective of study

Based on the formulation of the problem is compiled by the authors above, then the goal in writing this paper is as follows:

a. Describe the characteristics of education in Indonesia.

b. Describe the quality of education in Indonesia today.

c. Describe the things that cause the low quality of education in Indonesia.

d. To find out what character education.

e. To determine the relationship with the civilized nations of character education.

f. To find out efforts in the drive the rate the quality of character education.

g. To find out how your description of the character education that has been successful.

h. Describes a solution which can be given of the educational problems in Indonesia.

Chapter II


II.1. Character Education

II.1.1. Understanding of Character

According to the language, character is the character or habits. Meanwhile, according to psychologists, the character is a system of beliefs and habits that directs the actions of an individual. Therefore, if knowledge of a person's character can be known, it can also be shown how that individual will be for certain conditions.

Seen from the point of understanding, it turns out the character and morals do not have significant differences. Both are defined as an act that occurs without any more thought again because it is embedded in the mind, and in other words, they may be called by the customs.

II.1.2. Character Formation Mechanism

 Element in the formation of Character

The most important element in the formation of character is the mind because the mind, in which there is a whole program that is formed from the experience of his life, was a pioneer segalanya.2 program then form a belief system that may eventually form a pattern of thinking that can affect behavior. If the program is embedded in accordance with the principles of universal truth, then the behavior runs in harmony with natural law. The result, the behavior is to bring peace and happiness. Conversely, if the program does not conform with the principles of universal law, then the behavior is to bring destruction and produce suffering. Therefore, the mind must receive serious attention.

About the mind, Joseph Murphy said that in man there is one thought which have different characteristics. To distinguish between these traits, then the term is called the conscious mind (conscious mind) or the objective mind and the unconscious mind (subconscious mind) or the mind subjektif.3 Explanation Adi W. Gunawan on the functions of the conscious and subconscious mind interesting to quote.

The conscious mind which is physically located in the cortex of the brain is logical and has an influence analysis with 12% of your brainpower. While the subconscious mind is physically located in the medulla oblongata which was formed when still in the womb. Therefore, when babies are born crying, the baby will calm down in the arms of his mother because she already felt familiar with the mother's heartbeat. The subconscious mind is neutral and sugestif.

To understand how the mind works, we need to know that the conscious mind (conscious) is related to the objective mind outside objects using the five senses as the media and the nature of the conscious mind is reasoning. While the subconscious mind (subconscious) is thought to contain the emotions and subjective memory, is irrational, not to reason, and can not be denied. The subconscious mind works most efficiently when the conscious mind works more minimal.

Conscious and subconscious mind continues to interact. The subconscious mind will run what has been suggested to him through a belief system born from the conclusion of the reasoning of the conscious mind out of the observed objects. Because the subconscious mind will continue to follow the impression from the conscious mind, the conscious mind is like the captain while the subconscious mind is like the crew ready to take orders, despite the order was right or wrong. Here, the conscious mind can act as a guard to protect the subconscious mind from the influence of external objects.

We take an example. If the media reported



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