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Oh&s Training and Development

Essay by   •  May 15, 2012  •  Research Paper  •  1,166 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,805 Views

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Q1. How do you identify the OH&S training needs of employees in your workplace?

Employees undergo training appropriate to position + responsibilities.

Q2. What can you do to improve OH&S training processes in your workplace?

Training needs analysis for legislation requirement

Q3. What would you do to ensure that these training needs were met?

Institute a training, program based on specific training requirements

Q4. Why do you need OH&S training?

Allows safety performance of work, fulfillment of OH+S responsibilities

Q5. What policy or procedures should be in place to ensure that OH&S audits take place either regularly, when there are workplace changes or when new employees commence at your workplace?

Keep records in diary for regular intervals for audits.

Q6. How do you ensure that new employees are clear about their OH&S responsibilities?

To ensure new employees are clear about their OH&S responsibilies, employer should provide adoquate OH&S training and instruction to employees. Regarding to the employees language and literacy ability, these information could deliving in their own language if nesscessy. These information, including OH&S procedure, should be delieveried in the format of whatever easier to be understood such as a poster literated these safety procedure as in pictures.

Q7. How has the OH&S training plan been developed in your workplace and what specific training areas does it identify?

The OH&S training plan has been developed in my workplace through a guideline of the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission after a training needs analysis is done. Specific training is gain to certain positons which require to perfrom a particular task that need to manually handling a hazardous substance or operating a machine. In addtion to the operating machine, some of the machine requrie a specific training to gain a liciens in order to manipulating the machine.

Q8. How is training provided at your workplace?

Training is provided at my workplace via taking a formal course or workshop and taking place on the job depends on the level of competence required. These training inculdes general OH&S training, how to operate machinery or equripment and instruction of performing specfic tasks or that involve specific hazard regarding OH&S issues.

Q9. What support is provided to employees to ensure that they attend training?

To ensure employee attending their training course, one should set up a system to record attendance. For example, this can be done by conducting the use of an attendance role in training course on sites, checklists of names, giving annocement to the employer if workers is absent from the class. On the other hand, employer should encourage work to attent their training course by telling them the benefits and explian to them that the training course can gain the knowledge and skill which the company/ organisation required them to perform. Furthermore, employer should pay for any fee/cost in relation to that training course. IF the course is taken in working hour, worker shall be paid as if they are performing their duties at work.

Q10. When changes are made in workplace, how is OH&S training provided and to whom?

When chamges are made in workplace, OH&S training is provide to workers/ everyone at work in the related area/ organization. Introduction for these changes including layout of the wokrplace changes, introducing a new substance and new piece of equipment as well as their OH&S issues and needs, are included in the OH&S training course.

Q11. Who in your workplace is responsible for keeping OH&S training records up to date?

Employer and OH&S manger in my workplace is responsible fore keeping OH&S training records up to date.

Q12. Identify at least 2 organizations that provide OH&S training and would be suitable for the staff in your organization to attend?

TAFE ,workcover and Courtenell provide general and specific OH&S training that would be suitable for the staff in the organization attend.

Q13. How are the impact/ results of OH&S training evaluated in the workplace?

The impact/ results of OH&S training



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