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Packers or Bears?

Essay by   •  November 18, 2012  •  Essay  •  992 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,532 Views

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Packers or Bears?

As the NFL season passes the half way mark my friend and I got into a major argument on whose favorite team is better than the others. It started out as a logical and static driven debate but my friend quickly ran out of facts on the bears present and past years. I on the other hand did have pretty extensive knowledge on the Pack side of it at least. As the argument drew longer and longer my friend became more and more frustrated and adjatated with the situation he was in; I saw this and quickly changed subjects but it must have been his pride that kept on the argument going. It escalated quickly to who could talk or yell the loudest and at that point stats went out the window.

The beginning of this story begins at the start of November and one of my good friend's favorite team the Bears are leading the NFC north and The Packers are in third. Now my friend and I bleed our teams' colors and that tradition and view has been passed down through the family. My friend's name is John and he is a die-hard Bears fan; I on the other hand am a die-hard Packers fan, which can make some conflict between us from time to time. This argument was not any ordinary battle of wits or knowledge. This fight turned ugly faster and more aggressively than any other.

During the walk from a study session at the library to Platters, John and I started talking about our UWP football team and how good they were doing. We had both tried out and were "grey shirted" but still very interested and supportive of the coaches and team. As we talked about football we changed to the NFL. Instantly he fake coughed and mumbled "Bears" which I replied with a loud and punctuated "HA" and so the debate began.

John went straight for saying that the bears are the best team in the league and they are the best team in history. This went on for about 5 min before he laid his cards down and thought he had a sure win; he played his "the 85' bears are the best team ever in the history of football!". Now it was my turn and I was going to knock some sense into him. The rebuttal of mine was that the Packers have won more super bowls, have had more Hall of Famers and have more devoted fans/ more fans in general. I could see that the last part about the fans really got him and pushed a button. I kept going saying that the bears have lost against the packers more times in our life time and pointed out that they lost to them this season. By now he must have known that he was going to lose so he began raising his voice and acting quite immature.

From the point of when he raised his voice I know now that I should have stopped and talked about something else, but I kept going, almost to see what he was going to do; Everything from Cutler being terrible to the Bears never again going to win a super bowl. I couldn't imagine that me saying these things



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